Chapter 41

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When you wake up the next morning, Sora is still asleep. You check the time and it is abound 11:20. You immediately feel the morning sickness coming on so you struggle back into your pajamas. As you try to get dressed you can feel the vomit coming up your throat.
You: Fuck
When you finally get your shorts and your bra back on you decide that's good enough and make a run for the bathroom. Right when you get in there you lean over the toilet and throw up. You gag a little from the taste in your mouth and then flush the toilet once you're sure there's nothing left. You brush your teeth and then go back into the bedroom to retrieve your top. You pull over your head as you go downstairs. When you turn into the kitchen Casey is already up, stirring two cups of hot chocolate. She holds one out to you.
Casey: Want it?
You smile
You: Sure
You take a sip out of it then go sit on the couch.
You: Did you tell him?
Casey: Yes
You: Why didn't you come tell me what he said???
Casey: Girl please I could hear you and Sora having sex...y'all were really getting it in
You laugh and take another sip of your hot chocolate
You: I'm sorry, i'll be mindful next time...but what did he say???
Casey: He was very supportive, he was actually happy
You: See I told you he would be, anyways do you get sick in the morning??
Casey: Not yet, so don't curse me
You smile. You then hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Sora appears in the view.
You: Good morning sleepyhead
He smiles and walks over to you. He plants a kiss on your lips and softly strokes your cheek with his thumb.
Sora: Good morning beautiful
He then turns to Casey
Sora: Hey Casey
She smiles and take a sip of her hot chocolate
You: So what are we doing today??
Sora: Well I made reservations for us to go skiing at 3 and then dinner at 5 and then we can just chill after that
You: Okay
Sora: Do you guys want something to eat??
You: I'm not hungry
Casey: Nah I'm good...i'm gonna go wake up Kobe
She disappears up the stairs leaving you and Sora alone.
Sora: How are you feeling?
You: As good as I can get
Sora smiles a little
Sora: Good
You: Thank you for this trip
Sora: Of course
About 10 minutes later, Casey and Kobe come downstairs.
Casey: Look who I finally got to join us!!

You guys get in the car to head to the ski place.
Casey: Is skiing even safe for pregnant women
Sora raises and eyebrow.
Sora: I think so...why do you ask?
Casey: Did Y/N not tell you???
Sora: Tell me what?
You turn around to face Casey
You: I didn't think I was allowed to!!
Casey: Oh go ahead
You look over at Sora
You: She's pregnant too
Sora: Really? Well congratulations then
Casey: Thank you
Sora: Well skiing should be safe
A few minutes later you guys arrive. You guys buy your ski gear then trudge up to the top of the mountain. Once at the top you take a deep breath and prepare yourself to go down.
Sora: You guys ready?
You all nod your heads
Kobe: Okay okay on 3, 1...2...3...
You all go down the hill, you and Casey scream from the thrill. When you guys make it to the bottom, you pull you goggles off your eyes
You: That was fucking amazing!!!
Casey: I thought i was gonna die but shit
Sore: You guys wanna go again?
Kobe: Yeah
He looks at you and Casey as if to ask for approval and you both agree you guys hike back up the hill then ski down again. You guys ski until about 5 then you guys head to dinner. You guys arrive just in time for your reservation and a server guides you guys to your table. You take a seat next to Sora and across from Casey and begin scanning your eyes over the menu.
You: I don't even know what the fuck to get
You look over at Sora.
You: What are you gonna get?
Sora: Probably pasta not gonna lie
You: I'll get the same thing you get, and can you order for me?
Sora: Why?
You: I get anxiety about ordering and shit
Sora: Yeah for sure, what do you want to drink
You: Ummm strawberry lemonade
A waiter approaches the table and takes your orders for drinks. After he leaves, Casey speaks.
Casey: Guys isn't it crazy that we're all soon to be parents
You: Yeah it is
You look at Sora
You: Remember when I couldn't stand you
You all begin to laugh
Sora: Now you love me
You: I mean you can call it love
He smiles and kisses you.
Kobe: God couples...
Casey laughs a little bit. A few moments later the server returns with your drinks and then takes your orders for food. When you guys are done with dinner, you head back to the cabin. Sora flicks the lights on as you guys go inside.
You: I don't know about the rest of you but i'm going in the fucking hot tub
Casey: I'll go with you
Kobe: I mean shit why not
Sora: Fuck it
You look at Sora
You: Can you and Kobe turn it on while Casey and I change
Sora: Of course
Him and Kobe go outside and get the hot tub ready. You go upstairs and change into a black bikini, Casey changes into a purple one. When you guys go back downstairs Sora admires you. He whispers to you on his way up the stairs.
Sora: If we didn't have guests, i'd fuck you in that hot tub
You giggle and Casey rolls her eyes.
Casey: I heard that and I don't think i'll sleep tonight
You: Whatever
You and Casey go outside, stepping into the hot tub.
Casey: Hot tubs are 100% better than sex
You tilt your head back a little
You: I 100% agree
A few moments later that boys join you guys in the hot tub.
Sora: We should play truth or dare
Casey: I'm down
You: Me too
Kobe: I mean I guess
Sora: Bettt i'll start
He turns to Casey
Sora: Truth or dare Casey
Casey: Mmm truth
Sora: What's the thing you hate most about Kobe
Casey: He snores
Everyone laughs aside from Kobe
Kobe: Not funny
Casey: You're just mad...anyways my turn, truth or dare Y/N
You: Dare
Casey: I dare you to go the rest of the trip without having sex
You: Bettt
Casey: Can you make it
You: Of course I can
Casey: I'll get you $50 you can't
You: Deal, run me my money when I win
Casey jokingly rolls her eyes and you look over at Kobe
You: Truth or dare Kobe
Kobe: Dare
You: Swim across the whole pool
Kobe: Right now?
You: Duh
He rolls his eyes and climbs out the hot tub. He jumps into the pool and swim across, climbs out on the other side, then runs back to the hot tub.
Kobe: It's cold as shit
Sora: The heat isn't on
Kobe: Truth or dare Sora?
Sora: Truth
Kobe: Were you jealous when Y/N was playing spin the bottle at the party
Sora: Duh
Everyone laughs a little and you guys play a few more rounds before deciding to get settled in.

p.s.- do you think Y/N will win the bet w Casey 🫣

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