Chapter 32

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At around 3 you guys head to the hospital to visit your mom. When you arrived to her room, you're shocked to see her off the ventilator. A smile spreads across your face.
You: Hey mom
Your Mom *weakly*: Hi sweetie
You: How are you feeling?
Your Mom: Okay...
She coughs a little and your rub her hand. She peeks over your shoulder to look at Sora and he gives her a little wave.
You: So um what have the doctors been saying?
Your Mom: They've just been talking about surgery to my face and stuff
You: Do you remember the accident at all
Your Mom: I try not to
You nod your head in understanding.
Your Mom: Hey why do you look so nice?
You jokingly roll your eyes and smile.
You: Sora and I are going on a date at the beach
Your Mom: That's sweet
You nod your head before she speaks again.
Your Mom: How have you been know since the abortion...
You shrug your shoulders.
You: Not horrible I guess, I still wish I didn't have to do it
Your Mom: I know sweetie
You look down at your phone to check the time
You: Well we better get going so we don't miss the sunset, i'll see you tomorrow, i love you
Your Mom: Love you too
You exit the room and Sora follows behind you.
Sora: I don't think your mom likes me
You: Oh please, she doesn't have a problem with you, and even if she did, she'd just have to deal with it because I don't intend on living my life without you.
He smiles and you slip your hands into his
You: I'm so excited
Sora: Me too, and you look so gorgeous
You: Thank you
Once you get to the car you guys head to the beach, which is about 30 minutes away. When you guys arrive, Sora spreads a blanket onto the sand and you both sit. The sun is already starting to set. You both just stare at the sunset for a little, until Sora breaks the silence.
Sora: You know what I noticed?
You: What?
Sora: Even though we're dating we don't know that much about each other
You pause to think about his statement.
You: You're probably right...but what better time to start learning that now?
Sora: Yeah...
You: What do you wanna know about me?
Sora: Well now that you ask i don't fucking know
You giggle a little
You: Okay well let's start simple then, my birthday is November 18th
Sora: That's like next Friday
You: Yeah
Sora: Don't you wanna celebrate
You: I'd love to celebrate but I can't, there isn't enough time to plan any type of celebration
Sora shrugs his shoulders
Sora: I guess you're right
You: I'm always right...anyways what else???
You guys continue talking for a while, by the time you guys get ready to leave it's dark out.
You: Thank you for this
Sora: Of course, you deserve it more than anyone
You smile and plant a small kiss on his lips as you guys head back to the car.

p.s.- don't worry i'm gonna update again 🙄🙄

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