Chapter 27

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Somehow you make it into the car. You stare out the window as hot tears roll down your cheeks. You look over at Sora, who has his eyes straight ahead on the road. You can tell this hurts him too but he's trying to be strong for you. That makes you feel terrible.
You: Can we go visit my mom
Sora nods his head and makes a u-turn since the hospital is in the opposite direction. When you arrive at your moms hospital room you slowly walk over to the side of her bed. Nothing has changed since the last time you saw her. You squeeze her bruised hand and begin talking to her.
You: Do you remember how we fought about me getting pregnant? You were right...i'm too young to have a baby. All this could've been avoided if i'd just accepted that in the first place...but anyways...I got an abortion. It made me really sad.
A tear falls down your face, landing somewhere on her hand. You wipe it off and rub your eyes.
You: I wish you could talk to me...tell me that it's all gonna be okay, I need you mom...
You begin to sob uncontrollably, still holding her hand.
You: I need you so much...
You feel her finger lightly tap your own and your eyes widen. You look at Sora and he's very confused.
You: She just moved...
Sora: No way
You call for the doctor to come into the room and you explain to her what just happened. The doctor pull your moms eyes open, shining a small flashlight in each one.
Dr. Stevens: Pupils are equal and reactive, i think this woman is waking up
The doctor gives you a warm smile which quickly fades when your moms monitor starts beeping erratically. She looks over at the monitor and her eyes widen.
Dr. Stevens: She's coding...get me a crash cart.
A nurse comes in with the crash cart, rolling it to Dr. Stevens' side. She looks over at another nurse
Dr. Stevens: Please get her out of here
She says this motioning her hand towards you. The nurse escorts you and Sora out and at this point you don't even have the energy to fight it or cry. You just leave, your heart feeling heavier than it did when you got there...

You're at home and in bed. Your eyes are heavy from crying so much and you've been scrolling through TikTok for what feels like hours. Your scrolling is interrupted by a phone call from a number which you recognize as the hospitals number. You pick it up so fast.
You: Hello
Dr. Stevens: Y/N?
You brace yourself for awful news
You: Yes..
Dr. Stevens: Your mom is awake and she is okay...she can't talk because of the ventilator but we're hoping to take her off of it soon...she shows no signs of a brain injury however she may need cosmetic surgery for the damage she suffered to her face in the accident
You: She's okay...? She's alive...?
Dr. Stevens: Yes she is, you're welcome to come visit her whenever you'd like
You smile, a real big smile and nod your head although the doctor can't see you
You: Thank you so so much
Dr. Stevens: Of course
You hang up the phone and cry tears of joy. Sora comes into the room
Sora: Why are you crying...?
You: My moms okay...
Sora gives you a hug
Sora: That's amazing...we'll go visit her again tomorrow okay...?
You nod your head and he kisses your forehead.
You take a sigh of relief and lay your head on his chest.
You: Thank you staying by my side...
Sora: You don't need to thank me...I love you
You: I love you more

p.s.- don't worry guys i'm gonna update again today 🙄

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