Chapter 56

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You and Sora have both showered. When you get out the shower, Sora is at his desk playing Fortnite.
Sora: FUCK
You: What happened?
He spins his chair around so that he's facing you.
Sora: I died
You: Oh
Before you can say anything else he turns his attention back to the game and starts playing again. You lay down on the bed and mindlessly scroll through TikTok. After about an hour you sit up and observe Sora. He is still playing the game and looks intensely focused.
You: Babe?
Sora: Mhm
You: Wanna watch a movie?
Sora: In a little
You: Well how long is a little?
Sora: I don't know Y/N
You cringe a little at him calling you by your name
You: Okay
There's a few moments of silence
Sora: Holy fucking shit
He throws his headset down on the desk and sharply inhales.
You: Maybe you should get off for tonight...or at least take a break
Sora: No it's fine
You: I have an idea
He lets out a deep breath
Sora: What?
You: You should teach me how to play
Sora: Okay bet...come here
He motions towards his lap. You walk over to him and take a seat on his lap.
Sora: Okay so normally I play Battle Royale, but that will probably be hard for you to play since you don't know how, so you're gonna play in playground mode which means you'll play with my friends and like just learn how to play
You: Okay
Sora: I'm gonna tell them that you're playing and not me okay?
You: Okay
He puts his headset on and begins speaking
Sora: Y/N is gonna be playing not me, she wanted to learn how to play
They respond to his statement and a few moments later he speaks again.
Sora: Bettt, hold on
He takes the headset off and sets it down
Sora: They said they're cool with you playing, do you want to wear the headset and listen to them or do you want me to wear it?
You: Well I want you to be the one teaching me so
He smiles a little
Sora: Okay then I'll wear the headset and tell you whatever they say cool?
You nod your head. Sora puts the headset on and starts speaking to his friends.
Sora: Imma wear the headset cause she doesn't want to so I'll tell her anything you guys need to tell her
He begins to teach you the basics of how to work everything. After about 45 minutes of learning and practicing, you feel like you got it.
You: This is lowkey kinda easy...I'm probably gonna be better at it than you
He smiles and rolls his eyes then mutes his mic.
Sora: Wait till you play Battle Royale
You: Once I learn I could probably beat you
Sora: You really think so
You: Yeah
He shrugs his shoulders and unmutes his mic.
Sora: Guys I'm gonna hop off for tonight
You: What? No I still wanted to play
He turns the game off and sets the headset on his desk. He then lifts you up off the chair and you kick your legs in protest.
You: Put me down oh my god
He throws you on the bed and you giggle
You: Woah woah, don't forget I'm carrying your child
Sora: OUR child and I could never forget
He smiles then pins you wrists down on the bed
Sora: Say I'm better at Fortnite than you
You shake your head no
Sora: Say it
You: Make me
Sora: You're playing a dangerous game my love
He accidentally loosens his grip on your wrists and you make a run for it. You laugh uncontrollably as he chases you down the stairs and around the house. You can't even remember the last time you laughed this hard.

You're in bed on the phone with Casey.
You: I'm so fucking bored
Casey: Honestly same
You: My friend is having a party later, you wanna go with me? Like girls night out or some shit
Casey: I mean yeah sure, which friend?
You: Marina, the one that I have pre calc with
Casey: Ohhh I know Marina, she's so nice...what time?
You: I'll pick you up at like 8
Casey: Okay, see you later
She hangs up the phone

After you're done getting ready you find Sora downstairs on the couch watching Netflix. When he hears you enter the room he turns around.
Sora: You look nice, where are you going?
You: My friend Marina's party with Casey
Sora: Okay have fun, and text me every once in a while so I know you're safe
You: Yeah of course
You kiss his cheek.
You: Love you
Sora: Love you too
You let yourself out the front door then head to Casey's house to pick her up. When you arrive, you pull into her driveway and walk to the front door. You knock lightly and a few moments later her brothers answer the door.
You: Hi!! Is Casey here?
Josh: Yeah she's still upstairs getting dressed
Matt: She takes like forever to get ready
You giggle a little and smile
You: Just tell her I'll wait till she's done
Josh calls up the stairs to Casey
Casey's Mom: Casey language!! And Josh, Matt, be nice to your sister
A few moments later Casey appears in the doorway
You: Ready?
Casey: Yeah
She closes the front door shut and approaches the car.
Casey: Sorry about my brothers, they're fucking weirdos
You: Don't worry about it
You guys both climb into the car and head to Marina's house. There are actually a lot more people than you expected. When you finally find a place to park, you and Casey approach the front door which is already propped open. When you guys walk in the door Marina is there to greet you.
Marina: Oh my god guys!!
She pulls each of you in for a hug
Marina: Thank you for coming
She is then pulled away from you guys by another girl who you recognize from one of your classes.
You: Wanna get something to drink? I'm kinda thirsty
Casey: Yeah sure
You find your way to the kitchen and open the fridge. You pull out 2 cans of Coke and hand one to Casey.
Casey: Thank you
You: You're welcome
You pop the can open and take a sip.
You: I still can't get over the fact that I can't drink
Casey giggles.

You somehow end up getting separated from Casey. You're in a conversation with someone but you pull yourself away to go look for Casey. You check every room and knock when you reach the bathroom. You hear the sound of vomiting and you then hear the familiar sound of Casey's voice.
Casey: Who is it?
You: It's me
Casey: Come in
You open the door and let yourself in. Casey is kneeling down in front of the toilet. Your eyes crease with concern.
You: You okay?
Casey: Not really
You lean down beside her
You: What's wrong
Casey: I don't know, I just suddenly got super sick
You: Do you think it's something with the baby?
Casey: No I don't think so
You: Do you want me to take you home?
Casey: No I already called Kobe
You: Okay I'll stay with you until he's here.
A little bit later Kobe calls Casey to let her know he's outside. You walk her out and she lets herself into the car.
You: Feel better
Casey: Thank you
You go back inside and Kobe pulls off. Casey lays her head back on the headrest
Kobe: What's wrong?
Casey: I don't know
Kobe: Did you eat anything at the party?
Casey: Yeah some chips
Kobe: You can't just eat random shit at a party
Casey: Yeah I know but-
Kobe: But?
Casey: I can't fucking help it, I have to eat when I'm hungry, I'm eating for two
Kobe: Yeah I get that but you have to be more careful, I won't always be here to save your ass
Casey: To save my ass? Jesus you make it sound like being my boyfriend is a fucking chore
Kobe: Honestly Casey it is sometimes
Casey: Well I'm sorry you feel that way
Her eyes fill with tears and she shuts them tight, trying to fight the urge to cry.
Kobe: I'm sorry baby I just..
Casey: Please don't call me "baby" right now
Kobe: Can you just hear me out.
Casey: No I think you made everything you wanted to say very clear
Kobe: You didn't let me finish
Casey: I HEARD ENOUGH. Okay? I heard you think that being with me is a chore so if you feel that way maybe you should just fucking leave, because I sure as hell don't want you to make my daughter feel like she's just a chore too
At this moment he pulls up in front of her house. She lets herself out of the car.
Kobe: Casey wait
Casey: No, I honestly can't talk to you or look at you right now
Kobe: She's my daughter too..
Casey: Then start acting like a man before she comes into this world
She slams the car door shut and walks to her front door.

p.s.- not the dramaaa 🫣 also the first half was Shys idea and the second half was Ashley's idea 😗 and sorry for not updating yesterday i was lowkey depressed 👩🏽‍🦯 (and still am) but i made this part kinda long to make up for it so 🤷🏽‍♀️

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