Chapter 38

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When you and Sora arrive home from school, his parents are back from their trip. His mom approached the door and greets you guys. She gives Sora a hug and waves to you.
Sora's Mom: How was school today?
You and Sora: Good
Sora's Mom: That's great
Sora: How was your trip
Sora's Mom: It was good, very relaxing, I'm thinking our next trip will be to Barcelona
Sora: That sounds nice
The room goes awkwardly silent for a moment.
Sora: Well we have homework to do so...
Sora's Mom: Okay, dinner will be ready around 5
Sora: Okay
You guys both go upstairs to his room and he shuts the door behind you.
Sora: I don't know why they're always coming back from their trips early, they weren't supposed to be back for another couple days...are we gonna tell them today?
You: I mean the sooner the better i guess, but let's tell them after dinner, in case shit gets awkward.
Sora: Okay
You guys work on some homework and you also text Casey about how you're freaking out about having to tell Sora's parents. She's try's to calm you down but it doesn't seem to work. Before you know it Sora's dad is calling you guys down for dinner. Sora must be able to tell how nervous you are.
Sora: It's gonna be okay, just focus on dinner for now
You: Okay...
You take a deep breath and follow him downstairs. You guys take your normal seats and begin eating. The meal is weirdly silent, almost as if his parents know something is up. Luckily his dad breaks the silence.
Sora's Dad: So, how has football been?
Sora: Tiring, coach is working us to death so we can make it to state but honestly i don't think we're gonna make it
Sora's Dad: Even if you guys don't make it to state, you guys still made it really far
Sora: Yeah i guess
Sora's Mom: Yeah, me and your dad are so proud of you
She then turns to look at you
Sora's Mom: How was your mom been?
You: Good, she's off the ventilator but still really weak, i've been talking to the doctors about her surgery, which they said they can do soon
Sora's Mom: That's great, i'm glad she's getting better
You: Yeah me too
After dinner is over, you and Sora help clear the table. Sora then turns to his parents
Sora: Hey guys? Can we talk?
Sora's Mom: Of course honey, what's up?
Sora: Let's sit
You and Sora sit next to each other on the couch, while his parents sit on the couch across from you guys.
Sora: Okay...I don't really know how to say this
Sora's Dad: Just say it
You look down pulling at the skin around your nails due to nerves.
Sora: Please don't be mad
Sora's Mom: Sweetie just tell us
Sora: Y/N is pregnant again...and this time we've both decided to keep the baby
You can tell his mom is upset so you turn your eyes back down. She takes a deep breath in as if to control her anger.
Sora's Mom: Is that so?
Sora nods. His mom then looks over at you and forcibly smiles.
Sora's Mom: Can you give us a moment of privacy
You nod and go upstairs. You shut a door so that they think you've went in the room, but really you're behind a wall at the top of the stairs so that you can listen in on the conversation.
Sora's Mom: She's pregnant AGAIN?
Sora: Yeah...
Sora's Mom: You do realize you guys are 17 years old right? She may think it's cute to have a baby on her hip but that's a real responsibility
Sora: You don't think we know that?
Sora's Mom: I think you BOTH know that, you just choose to ignore it when you guys CONTINUE to have sex with no protection
There's a moment of silence
Sora's Mom: A baby is going to change your life FOREVER, the rest of high school, college, and even your football career are going to be SO different. You're willing to give all that up for her?
Sora: Yeah I am. Is that a problem for you mom?
Sora's Mom: You know how do you even know the baby is yours? It could be someone else's
Sora: Why would you even SAY that? She isn't the type of girl to sleep around like that and even if she was it shouldn't MATTER
Sora's Mom: You know what fine. You can help her take care of that baby, but you and her will no longer be together
Sora's Dad: Honey I don't think that's fair-
Sora's Mom: SHUT UP
Sora's mom turns back to Sora
Sora's Mom: Obviously she's influencing you to do things you'd NEVER consider before you met her,
Sora: How do you know i'm not influencing her? Why are you ONLY blaming her? As a woman you should be supporting her but instead you're saying awful things about her and that says a lot about the type of person YOU are.
Sora's Mom: Sora I just- I don't wanna see you ruin your life
Sora: STOP SAYING IM RUINING MY LIFE. yeah sure i'm having a kid sooner than most people but that doesn't make it a mistake. How would you feel if someone told you having me was a mistake?
The room goes silent.
Sora: You owe her an apology, and i'm not speaking to you until you say sorry
He walks upstairs and almost bumps into you. He then yells back down the stairs.
Your eyes are watering with tears and Sora hugs you tightly.
Sora: Please don't cry
You try to swallow back your tears so he doesn't feel bad, but you can't. You break down into tears and just cry.
You: I'm sorry for messing up your life
Sora: You didn't mess up my life at all, you made it so much better, my moms just being bitchy right now, but she'll come around I promise
You calm down a little
You: Okay..
Sora makes you look up at him
Sora: I love you so much, no matter what anyone else says
You nod your head and force a smile
You: I love you too

p.s.- so much tension and for what 😹

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