Chapter 46

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It's Christmas morning. Sora parents are still away which almost makes you feel bad for him because if you weren't here, he'd be spending Christmas alone. At the same time if you weren't with him, you'd also be spending Christmas alone. You wake up around 10 and Sora is still sleeping. You lightly kiss his cheek to wake him up. He opens his eyes and you smile.
You: Merry Christmas baby
He rubs his eyes and smiles, then yawns a little
Sora: Merry Christmas
He sits up and stretches
Sora: I'm know that you don't get to spend Christmas with your mom.
You: It's okay, I just don't wanna think about that today, we'll go see her later but I want today to be happy
Sora smiles a little
Sora: Yeah
You: Did your parents get you gifts?
Sora: Yeah they have the housekeeper bring them by on Christmas Eve when they're away
You: At least they got you gifts, even though they aren't here
He half smiles
Sora: Yeah
You: Maybe we can invite Kobe and Casey over? You know so we aren't lonely
He laughs a little
Sora: Yeah that would be nice
You smile and kiss his cheek
You: Good
You climb out of bed and freshen up for the day, however you keep your pajamas on since they're Christmas themed. When you go downstairs, Sora is eating
You: Maybe we should go visit my mom before Kobe and Casey come over
Sora: Yeah probably
You: Do you think it'd be weird if I went in my
pajamas, i really don't feel like changing
Sora gets up from the table and smiles
Sora: Nah you're in the Christmas spirit...besides you look sexy in anything
You smile and he plants a kiss on your lips, he grabs his keys.
Sora: Let's go
You follow him to the car and you guys blast Christmas music on the way to the hospital. When you guys arrive the hospital is slightly decorated with Christmas decor. You make your way to your moms room and you smile when you see her
Your Mom: Hey sweetie
You: Hi
Your Mom: Merry Christmas, i'm sorry I cant celebrate with you
You: Don't apologize, i'm just grateful you're getting better
Your mom squeezes your hand and you smile.
You: I got you a gift, it's not much but I hope you like it
You hand her the bag and smile. She opens and pulls out the contents. A Bath and BodyWorks set in the scent twisted peppermint and a gold necklace.
You: I know how much you like that scent so
Your Mom: I love it, thank you so much sweetie
She puts everything back in the bag and sets it on her bedside table.
Your Mom: So how has the baby been?
The fact that she's asking makes your heart warm up
You: Good, I have pictures from my last ultrasound
You pull them out your purse and hand them to her. She carefully looks over them.
Your Mom: It's so lovely...when do you find out the gender?
You: After my next appointment, our friends are throwing the gender reveal
Your Mom: That's wonderful!!!
You smile
You: Yeah
There's an awkward silence for a moment
Your Mom: Well don't spend your Christmas in this hospital, go have fun, i'll see you tomorrow?
You: Yeah of course
You kiss her hand
You: I love you
Your Mom: I love you too
You exit her hospital room and take Sora's hand.
You: Let's make the most of this Christmas
Sora: Yeah

When you guys arrive back home you watch Sora open his gifts from his parents. He's gotten mostly clothes and shoes along with a PlayStation gift card.
Sora: I got you a gift by the way
He hands you a small ring box and you smile when you open.
Sora: It's a promise ring, I know it isn't much but I hope you still like it
You: I love it so much, thank you babe!!
You kiss him softly and he smiles. You slip the ring on your finger and hold your hand up.
You: One day you should replace this with a wedding ring.
He laughs a little bit
Sora: I plan to
You then get off the couch.
You: I'm gonna go call Casey and see if her and Kobe are down to come over
Sora: Okay
You go upstairs and call Casey.
Casey: Hello
You: Hey, Merry Christmas
Casey: Merry Christmas bestie!!
You: I was wondering if you wanted to come over, Kobe too, if you guys don't have any plans
Casey: I mean Kobe's over at my house right now but we're pretty much done with all the family stuff so yeah we can come over
You: Okay great i'll see you later!!
Casey: Okay bye
She hangs up the phone and you go back downstairs
You: Casey said they can come
Sora: Bettt

Casey and Kobe arrive at the house.
Casey: Merry Christmas!!!
You: Merry Christmas
You give her a hug then notice she's carrying a bag.
Casey: I brought champagne for the boys and sparkling apple cider for us since we can't drink and also cupcakes
You: This is why I love you
You take the bag from her and bring it to the kitchen, she follows behind you leaving the boys alone by the door.
You: Did you get anything interesting from your parents
Casey: Clothes and money mostly but i liked it all
You: That's good
Your eyes then light up
You: Oh my god you know what we should fucking do???
Casey: What?
You: Make Christmas cookies
Casey: Oh my god you're right, i haven't done that in so long
You smile and call Sora into the kitchen
He comes into the kitchen, Kobe following behind him.
Sora: What's up?
You: Do you guys wanna make Christmas cookies with us
Sora looks at Kobe
Sora: Um not really...
You: Pleaseeee it'll be fun, besides it wasn't really a question
Sora: Fine
You: Yay!!!
You and Casey gather all the supplies you need while Sora and Kobe pour themselves champagne. You glance at Sora.
You: Well don't just stand there like an imbecile, you have to help
Sora: What do I do
You hand him a package of plain sugar cookie dough.
You: Put these on a cookie sheet and bake them
You roll your eyes and then turn your attention back to Casey.
You: Let's mix food coloring with frosting so we can have different colors
Casey: Yesss
You guys make the frosting and then wait for the cookies to finish baking and cooling
You: Okay now we can decorate them
You all spread different colors of frosting on the cookies. Sora looks at you
Sora: You have something on your face
You: Where?
He smears green frosting on your cheek and laughs
Sora: Right there
You jokingly roll your eyes and cross your arms
You: I hate you
He laughs and then you get even more frosting and smear it across his face. He then lifts you up over his shoulder and you kick your legs
You: Put me down!!!
He puts more frosting on your face and you giggle.
Kobe *sarcastically*: Couples bro
Casey smiles and shakes her head
Casey: Tell me about it
The rest of the day is filled with laughing and playing around. You'd always thought Christmas without your mom would be the worst thing in the world, but it turned out not to be so bad

p.s.- don't worry i'm gonna update again 🙄🙄

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