Chapter 33

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Before you know it the weekend is over and you're back in school. There's a little time before class actually starts so your standing by the lockers talking to Casey.
Casey: What ever happened with you and Sora? Shit seemed really tense at the party
You: We worked it out
Casey: That's good
You guys continue to talk a little bit. You update her on your mom but you're then interrupted by a familiar voice speaking to you.
Devin: Hey Y/N
You: Hey Devin...what's up?
Devin: Nothing, I just wanted to see if you'd maybe wanna like hang out after school
You scoff and roll your eyes
You: Devin you are aware that your friend is my boyfriend right??
Devin: Yeah so?
You: So no I don't wanna hang out after school...
He slips his arm around your waist which makes you uncomfortable.
Devin: I'll make it worth your while
You: No thank you
Devin: Please?
He slides his hand down your ass which infuriates you. You push him hard and he stumbles backwards.
Suddenly Sora appears from around the corner, and now many people in the hall are staring.
Sora: Yo, what the fuck is going on?
You cross your arms and look at Devin.
You: Yeah, what IS going on???
Devins cheeks pink up with embarrassment. He then looks over at Sora.
Devin: You're girlfriend is a whore, and you're just okay with that? I mean-
Suddenly Sora punches him right in the face. Devin holds a hand over his face as his lip begins to bleed.
Sora: Call my girl a whore one more time bitch
You're in shock, you've never seen Sora this angry before.
Devin: You know i'm right.
Sora gets ready to throw another punch but you pull him back.
You: It's okay, let it go
Sora looks over at Devin
Sora: You're lucky as hell
Devin walks away and the rest of the crowd disperses.
Sora: Are you okay
You: Yeah i'm fine, are you?
Sora: Yeah
Casey: That was some crazy ass shit...

You're walking to 7th period when you spot Casey and Sora talking. You observe from a distance trying to get a feel for the conversation, you can't really hear them.
Sora: I'm thinking we make it a surprise party, just keep her distracted Friday afternoon, like take her shopping or something and then i'll let you know when the party is ready, but don't let her know that you know it's her birthday if she doesn't tell you
Casey: Got it, this is gonna be so great!
She excitedly claps her hands and then they part ways. Meanwhile you're so confused.

You encounter Sora and Casey talking again, this time during lunch.
Sora: Has she brought up her birthday at all?
Casey: Not at's the party planning?
Sora: Good
You approach the table and smile
You: Hey guys
Casey jumps.
You: What are we discussing?
Sora: I was asking Casey if her and Kobe wanna chill with us on Saturday
You shrug your shoulders and Sora walks away.
Casey: Wanna go shopping after school??
You: I'm down, where though?
Casey: At the mall, duh
You: Okay

You meet Casey at her car and you guys drive to the mall. You spend hours shopping but don't get much.
You: Wanna go in the dress store??
Casey: Why the hell would you need a dress?
You: I don't need one but trying them on is fun
Casey looks down at her phone, the time is 6:45 and Sora told her to be at the house by 7. His house is about 20 minutes away from the mall.
Casey: Maybe another time? I told my mom I'd be home by 7
You: Fineee
You link arms with her and you guys exit the mall heading towards the car. While walking to the car, Casey texts Sora to let him know you guys are on the way.
You: Who are you texting?
Casey: My mom to let her know i'll be a little late
You shrug your shoulders then open the passenger side door. When you pull up to the house you get out of the car. Casey takes the key out the ignition and follows you.
You: What are you doing?
Casey: Saving gas
You unlock the door to the house. It feels awfully still and quiet inside.
You: Sora?
All the guests: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
A smile spreads across your face and you look over at Sora.
You: What's all this??
Sora: You said you wanted to celebrate, so
i made it happen
You smile and look down. He places your hands in his and you look up at him
Sora: Happy 17th birthday baby
You smile and kiss him
You: Thank you
You then turn to the guests.
You: Let's party then!
You walk further into the house. Drinks are set up in the kitchen and a DJ is set up in the living room. A table has pizza and cake on it.
You: How are your parents okay with this
Sora: They're not, but they're not here so fuck it
You giggle a little.
Sora: Can I get the birthday girl a drink?
You: Of course
He smiles and goes to the kitchen to get you a drink.
When he returns you take a sip of it and smile. Sora then leans into you and whispers in your ear.
Sora: Are you down for some birthday sex?
You: Duh
You down your drink and you both run upstairs giggling. Meanwhile Casey and Kobe watch from the bottom of the stairs.
Kobe: I think we both know what's gonna happen up there
Casey laughs a little and rests her head on Kobe's shoulders
Casey: They're bold, but they're happy
When you and Sora make it upstairs he slams his bedroom door shut and locks it then pins you against the door. He kisses you passionately and you lightly suck on his bottom lip. You take off your shirt then go back to kissing him. He lifts you up and carries you over to the bed. You smile and then pull his shirt off over his head. He removes your jeans and your panties and slowly goes down on your body. You inhale shakily and moan when he inserts his tongue into you. He begins to eat you out and he's so good at it then you doubt you last long. You softly moan as he continues and before you know it you release onto his face. He smiles and licks you clean. He then gets on top off you and his cross shaped chain dangles over you. You take off his pants and boxers and he's already hard. You slowly stroke him and smirk.
You: You're hard already
Sora: Always for you
You smile and then he slowly inserts himself into you.
You: God could you go any slower
He begins to go even faster and you arch your back in pleasure. He thrusts deep and hard, hitting your g spot each time. A few moments later you feel a knot tighten in your stomach, letting you know you're about to cum. You moan and inhale.
You: Fuck i'm gonna cum
You then release onto his dick and a little later he releases into you. He then pulls out, his warm sticky cum dripping down your thighs. You both just lay there for a while before Sora speaks.
Sora: We should get back downstairs, the star of the show can't be missing
You smile and then you both get cleaned up and dressed. You look at Sora before you guys leave the room.
You: Thank you for making my birthday special
Sora: Of course
You guys then go back downstairs

p.s.- so much happened in this chapter 😹✋🏽

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