Chapter 24

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When you wake up the next morning your eyes are puffy and swollen from crying so much. You can barely open them. You sit up and look around but Sora isn't in bed next to you. You don't feel like getting up to go look for him so your just lay in bed staring at the ceiling. A little while later he comes into the room and you turn to look at him.
Sora: You're awake
You nod your head and sigh
You: Unfortunately
His face becomes concerned, his eyebrows creasing
Sora: Don't say that
You: Sorry
It isn't until after this that you realize he's holding a tray. You ask him the question with your eyes.
Sora: I made you breakfast, i figured you wouldn't wanna get out of bed, you don't have to eat if you don't want to but id really like if you did
You smile a little and he hands you the tray, setting you up comfortably to eat. You take a bite out of the pancakes and look at him
You: They're really good
Sora: Thank you
He takes a seat on the edge of the bed, very careful as if it isn't his own bed.
Sora: So um, my parents will be back from Costa Rica today, i'm sure they'd be fine with you staying here given the circumstances but i'll have to talk to them, but i don't want you to be alone in your house
You smile and nod
You: Okay
You finish eating as much as you can. Sora takes the tray from you and sets it on his nightstand.
Sora: Do you wanna shower?
You: Yes...but i'm too tired
Sora: I can help you, if you want
You: Sure I guess
You climb out of bed and walk to the bathroom. You feel really drained even though you slept super well. Sora turns on the shower, the glass on the door getting foggy as the water heats up. He undresses your while the water gets warm.
Sora: Ready?
You nod and he picks you up setting you in the shower.
You: I think maybe I can shower myself...but will you stay?
Sora: Of course
You begin to wash yourself off, but you don't do it standing up. You sit on the tiled floor of the shower, it's easier this way. After bathing you just sit in the warmth of the water, not ready to get out.
You: Babe?
Sora: Yeah?
You: I'm sad...
Sora: I know...but everything will be okay eventually I promise
You nod your head and Sora walks over to the shower turning it off.
Sora: Let's get you into some clean clothes
He finds something for you to wear and you put it on, then climb right back into bed. You spend most of the day watching movies and scrolling through social media. Sometime in the evening Sora comes up to let you know that his parents will be home soon. You nod and he leaves the room, but you listen closely for the sound of the front door opening. When you hear his parents arrive you listen in on what's going on. They start off with normal greetings, then the questions arise, the first one being "who's car is out front?"
Sora: Y/N's car
Sora's Mom: She here??? Let me go say hi
Sora: No mom...can you and dad sit??? We need to talk
Sora's Mom: Oh okay...
Sora and his parents take a seat on the couch. Sora takes a deep breath in.
Sora: Y/N's mom was in an accident...she's in a coma and they don't know when she will wake up...if she wakes up
Sora's mom gasps and his dad sets a hand on her knee
Sora: I don't want her to be alone in her house so I was wondering if she could stay here
Sora's Mom: I don't see why not
Sora's Dad: That's okay with me
Sora: Good...great, one more thing though
His parents look at him waiting for him to speak, but suddenly his throat feels tight and he can't find words.
Sora: She's um...she's pregnant
Sora's Mom: WHAT???
Sora: I'm sorry mom...
Sora's Mom: Damn right you're sorry, I raised you better than this, you're 17 fucking years old you can't just be running around here having sex and getting girls pregnant what the fuck is wrong with you
Sora's Dad: Sweetie just relax, take a deep breath
Sora's mom composes herself again then sighs.
Sora's Mom: If she's gonna be staying here she can stay in one of the guest rooms
Sora: What mom?? Why???
Sora's Mom: Because apparently I can't trust you to share a bed with a girl without making fucking babies
Sora: Are you joking right now? Her mom might DIE you really think EITHER of us is worried about sex right now?
Sora's Mom: Honestly I don't know what you're thinking these days
Sora: Oh my god mom she's fucking DEPRESSED she doesn't even have the energy to shower, you didn't SEE HER the way I SAW HER and if you saw what i saw you'd know that neither of us is thinking about sex. She will sleep in a bed with me if she wants because that's where she feels safe and protected and i'll be damned if you're gonna stop me from doing what i can to look out for the girl i love
Sora goes upstairs and his mom rolls hers eyes. She stands up and sighs.
Sora's Mom: At least he's a gentleman
She follows him upstairs to greet you along with his dad.

p.s.- Sora standing up for her as he should 🫣💁🏽‍♀️

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