Chapter 42

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Today is the day you guys go back home to California
You: I don't wanna go back to reality
Casey: Yeah me either but I mean at least it's almost Christmas
You: True I guess
You then pause for a minute
You: Wait a minute
Casey raises an eyebrow
Casey rolls her eyes
Casey: I was hoping you'd forget
Casey: I hate you
She pulls her wallet out her bag and hands you a 50 dollar bill
Casey giggles as the boys come out the house with the rest of their things. After the trunk is loaded up, you guys get in the car.
Sora: I'm not looking forward to this drive
You kick your feet up on the dashboard.
You: Suddenly being pregnant isn't so bad
Sora rolls his eyes
Sora: Whatever

You and Sora finally arrive back at home. His parents are gone on their trip to Spain so the house is empty when you guys get back. Sora flips on the light switch and you sigh.
You: Aspen was so fun but it feels good to be home
Sora: Yeah it does
You: Hey when's your next game
Sora: Next week
You pick your suitcase up and begin to head upstairs
You: Nervous?
Sora: Yeah for sure, if we don't win we don't make it to state.
You enter the bedroom and set your suitcase down.
You: You'll win
You then point to your stomach
You: And me and the baby will be there support you
He smiles and kisses you softly
Sora: That makes me slightly less nervous
You rub your thumb on his cheek
You: Good, i'm glad
Sora: Do you know what we should do tomorrow?
You: What?
Sora: Go ice skating
You: I cant fucking ice skate
Sora frowns a little
Sora: Why not??
You: I don't know how
Sora: I'll teach you then
You: Fine I guess
Sora: Good
After unpacking your stuff from the trip, you take a shower and go to bed.

You wake up around 11. Sora has already gotten up. Surprisingly this morning you don't feel sick. You brush your teeth and get ready then go downstairs.
Sora: Good morning sunshine
You smile
You: Good morning
Sora: I made you waffles, they're chocolate
You: Thank, you're the best
You get some syrup and sit at the table, taking a bite out of your waffles.
You: What time are we going ice skating
Sora: 6:30, we can do other stuff before then, maybe go shopping?
You: That sounds nice, maybe we should look for some stuff for the baby?
Sora: Yeah
Once you're done eating you go join Sora on the couch.
You: What are we watching?
Sora: The Vampire Diaries
You: Didn't we already finish this?
Sora: Yeah so?
You smile and cuddle up next to him. You guys watch the show for hours.
You: What time is it?
Sora looks down at his phone
Sora: 3:35
You: We should get ready to go shopping, we have less than 3 hours
Sora: Okay
When you guys are both ready you head to car.
Sora: Where's our first stop?
You: Target!!
He smiles and heads to Target.
You: Let's turn on the radio
He turns on the radio and the station is playing christmas music.
You: Yay i love Christmas music
You guys spend the car ride singing all the songs.
When you guys arrive at Target you immediately head to the baby section.
You: Awww everything is so cute, but we cant get much until we know if it's a boy or a girl, ooo i think we have to get a car seat
Sora giggles a little
Sora: You're so adorable when you're excited
You smile and pull him to where all the car seats are.
You: They all look the same...
Sora: Well you can read the boxes and see which one sounds better
You: You're right...
You carefully read through the labels on each box and decide on a Graco car seat.
You: Can you get it off the shelf?
Sora: Of course
He lifts the box off the shelf and into the cart
You: Thank you
Sora: What else should we look for
You: Ummm I don't know
Sora: Formula?
You: No, first of all that would probably expire, second of all I plan on breastfeeding the baby for as long as I can
Sora: Okay then...maybe we just get one thing for the baby every time we go shopping, so the car seat can be our one thing for the day
You: Okay that sounds like a good idea, let's go pay for this
You guys pay for the car seat and Sora carries it back to the car.
You: What time is it?
Sora: 4:45
You: I wanna go to Victoria's Secret
Sora: Okay
When you guys arrive you can tell Sora feels awkward.
You: Don't worry, it's fine, we won't stay long
You pull him into the store
Sora: What are you even gonna get?
You turn around and smile
You: Lingerie
Sora smiles a little.
You lead him to where the lingerie is and show him.
You: Which ones do you like?
Sora: Why are you asking me?
You: Because if I wear then I'm gonna wear them for you.
Sora smirks
Sora: Okay
He picks out a red one, a black one, and a dark purple one, all in lace.
Sora: I like these
You smile a little
You: Okay then i'll get all of them
You go to the line to check out and pay for the lingerie. You guys then head back to the store
You: Ill model them for you later
Sora: Bettt
You: Time?
Sora: 5:15
You shrug your shoulders and get into the car.
You: It saddens me that eventually i'll have to wear maternity clothes
Sora: You'll still look sexy in them
You smile
You: To you
Sora: Yeah and?
You guys decide to just chill until it's time to go ice skating. When you guys get there you buy ice skates and put them on.
Sora: You ready?
You: No
Sora smiles
Sora: You're gonna be okay, just hold on to me okay?
He gets onto the ice and then holds his hand out to you. You grab his hand and step onto the ice, you immediately feel like you're gonna fall.
Sora: Just relax okay? I got you
You smile and nod your head
He begins moving a little
Sora: It's just about balance, you kinda just glide
You grip his arm tightly
You: I hate this shit
Sora: It's okay, I won't let you fall.
Before you know you guys have made it around the rink once. After a couple more times you start to get the hang of it.
You: I think i'm getting it
Sora: You want me to let go?
You nod your head and he slowly lets you go. You smile excitedly
Sora: See you're ice skating!!
You: I am!
You guys spend a couple hours ice skating and the entire time reminds you of why you're so in love with him.

p.s.- i'm having such bad writers block so this might be my only update for today 🥲

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