Chapter 19

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It's been a few weeks since you and Sora made things official, and you've been loving every second of it. It's also homecoming season and people are being asked to the dance left and right. You can't help but wonder why Sora hasn't asked you yet. You're snapped out of your thoughts by someone's hands on your shoulders. You turn around and Sora smiles.
Sora: Hey baby
You: Hey
Sora: You okay...?
You: Yeah
Sora: Okay, I gotta go but i'll see you later
He kisses your cheek and before you can say anything else, he's disappeared around the corner. You hesitantly enter into your fourth period class. After class is over you make your way to lunch and immediately sit down with Casey.
You: Has Kobe asked you to homecoming yet
Casey: Well hi to you too...but yeah he asked me like today and it was SO cute but why?
You: Sora hasn't asked me yet and i'm worried, what if he doesn't wanna go with me?
Casey: Are you crazy? He's literally your boyfriend so he HAS to ask you and if he doesn't screw him.
You force a small smile and take a bite of your pasta
You: Yeah...

The rest of the day goes by and he still hasn't asked you. By lunch time the next day he still hasn't asked you.
Casey: Has he asked
You shake your head and she squeezes your hand.
Casey: He will i promise...maybe he's just trying to make it really special
You shake your head
You: I hope so
When lunch is over you head to 5th period. You sigh still disappointed he hasn't asked you. You're confused when you arrive to class and the room is dark. Suddenly when you walk in the rest of the class turns on flashlights. They stand side by side creating a walkway leading up to Sora who is holding a sign that reads "Will you light up my night at homecoming?". You smile and cover your face with your hands as you walk towards him. When you finally make it to him you nod your head yes and give him a big hug. The rest of the class claps and then the teacher turns on the lights.
Mr. Johnson: As cute as that moment was, we have to get class started
The class groans as they go back to their seats.
You *whispering*: I was starting to think you wouldn't ask me
Sora *whispering*: I just wanted it to be special
You look up at him and smile. The teacher begins snapping his fingers
Mr. Johnson: Love birds am I gonna have to make new seating arrangements??
You both shake your heads no and when he turns back around you mock him. You and Sora giggle a little bit.

When you arrive at home you immediately rush upstairs and call Sora. He answers after the second ring
Sora: Hey
You: Hey
Sora: What's up?
You: Homecoming arrangements, my dress is red so we should match if you can
Sora: Of course and we can use my red Mercedes
You: I kinda wanted to get a limo you know so we could ride with Casey and Kobe
Sora: I mean that works too but we gotta at least use the Mercedes for pictures
You smile even though he can't see you
You: Deal
You smile again, you've never felt so happy
You: I'm so so excited
Sora: Me too
You: You ready for your big game
Sora: Yeah a little nervous but i'm ready
You: You're gonna do great
You make a kissing sound through the phone and he giggles.
Sora: Well I gotta go but i'll talk to you later beautiful
You blush a little
You: Okay bye
Sora: Bye
You hang up and scream excitedly.

Casey comes over to your house around 1:00 to start getting ready with you. The boys plan to pick you guys up at 4 and you will go to Sora's house and take pictures. You'll then go out to eat and head to the dance which starts at 7. You and Casey listen to music and talk a lot as you do your makeup.
You: I'm sooo excited
Casey: Same!!
You: What color is your dress
Casey: Emerald green
You: That's so pretty oh my god, are you and Kobe gonna match?
Casey: Yeah i'm so excited for that
You: You guys are gonna look amazing
Casey: What about you and Sora
You: Yeah we're gonna match, we're even gonna use his red Mercedes' for pictures
Casey jokingly rolls her eyes
Casey: Such a show off
You both giggle. After you guys are done with your hair and makeup you put on your dress.
You: Can you zip me?
Casey nods her head and zips your dress up and you do the same for her. You complete you outfits with jewelry and shoes. A few moments later your mom calls up the stairs.
You and Casey squeal excitedly then head downstairs. As you walk down the stairs Sora looks you up down.
Sora: Wow
Kobe looks at Casey with soft eyes
Kobe: You look so beautiful
Casey smiles and hugs him. Your mom brings you in for a hug
Your Mom: You are gorgeous
You smile and kiss her cheek
You then give Sora a hug and smile
Sora: You're so pretty
You: I mean you don't look horrible
He playfully punches your arm and you smile
You: You look amazing
Your Mom: Okay let me take a few pictures before you guys leave
You: MOM we're gonna be late for the photographer at Sora's house
Sora: It's fine...I promise
You roll your eyes
You: Fine but just a few
Your mom takes a couple pictures of just you and Sora, a couple pictures of just Kobe and Casey, a few pictures of just the four of you.
You: Okay mom we gotta go
Your Mom: Okay be safe baby...I love you
She sees you out the door and the four of you get in the limo which is waiting outside. You guys then head to Sora's house to take more pictures then you guys go to a restaurant.
You *whispering*: I feel bad, what does the limo driver do while we're at dinner and the dance
Sora *whispering*: I don't know...stuff, but my parents pay him good money so
Kobe *whispering*: Why are we whispering???
Casey *whispering*: Yeah
You all giggle and continue laughing and talking. After dinner you guys head to the dance. You have so much fun dancing with Sora and Casey. You eventually have to take your heels off from dancing so much. The fun mood is then interrupted by the slow intro to the song Thinking Out Loud.
Sora: Slow dancing time
You smile and he slips his arms around your waist as you wrap your arms around his neck. You guys rock back and forth to the beat of the music, occasionally he twirls you around and pulls you in closer to him. You smile and look deeply into his eyes, wondering if this is what love feels like. A few more slow songs are played including Perfect, If I Ain't Got You, and A Thousand Years. The DJ then goes back to playing upbeat songs. Before you know it the dance is over and it's time for the after party. You, Sora, Casey, and Kobe walk back to the limo.
You: I've never been to an after party before
Sora: They're so fun but they get kinda crazy sometimes, just be prepared to dip if the cops show up
You laugh as he opens the door to the limo for you. About 15 minutes later you guys arrive at the after party and there are already so many people there. When you guys walk in, Sora and Kobe are greeted by a bunch of people you've never seen before as you Casey just stand there awkwardly. After the greetings are through Sora turns to you.
Sora: Want something to drink
You nod your head and Sora grabs a wine cooler off the row on the counter. He hands one to you and one to Casey. You pop open the bottle and take a sip.
Sora: You ever rolled a blunt before
You: Hell no
Sora: Wanna try?
You: I guess but shouldn't you like...not be smoking during the season
Sora: One time won't hurt
You look at Casey who looks at Kobe
You: Are you guys coming
Casey: I mean sure
They follow behind you guys as Sora leads the way to a table where people seem to just be doing drugs. Most are smoking weed but some are snorting coke. You wince at the sight of it. Sora finds empty space for you guys to sit. He walks you through the process of rolling the blunt then lights for you.
Sora: Okay okay now inhale
You inhale the smoke then exhale to let it out. You cough a little and Sora giggles.
He lights his own blunt, then Casey's, then Kobe's. After smoking only a couple times you're already high. You look at Sora.
You: How does it feel being the experienced weed smoker of the group
You laugh at your own joke and Sora smiles.
You: My body feels really the wind could just come and take me away
Sora: You're high
You giggle a little
You: Yeah...
Casey sets the blunt down and although you're high you can tell she's uncomfortable.
Casey: I wanna go
Kobe looks at her
Kobe: Are you okay?
Casey shakes her head
Kobe taps Sora on the shoulder as you continue speaking nonsense to him.
Kobe: Bro we gotta go, Casey wants to go
Sora: Okay
Sora motions for you to stand up. He slings his arm over your shoulder, following Kobe and Casey out.
On the ride to Casey's house Sora whispers to you
Sora *whispering*: My place tonight?
You *whispering*: Nooo
Sora *whispering*: You gotta wait off the high anyways or else you'll get caught, might as well make the most of it...besides I wanna take that pretty little dress off of you.
You smile
You: You're so silly
Sora laughs and shakes his head and you rest your head on his shoulder. You think this will be a night you remember for the rest of your life...

p.s.- my homecoming experience was NOTHING like this and don't smoke weed or vapes guys 😃👍🏽 it's fun tho but don't do it!!!

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