Chapter 20

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When you guys arrive at Sora's house you don't even wanna get out the car.
Sora: Baby you have to get out
You: No
Sora: Why
You: I'm too lazy
Sora: I'll give you a piggyback ride
Your bloodshot eyes light up and you smile.
You: Fine
You gather your purse and your heels then get out the car. You get on his back and kick the limo door shut with your foot. He carries you all the way up to his bedroom and sets you down on the bed.
Sora: I'll get you something to change into
A few moments later he hands you a t shirt and a pair of shorts. You're so tired you can't even bother to show. You change out of your dress and neatly set it on the dresser. Before going to sleep you text your mom to let her know you're going to spend the night at Sora's. You then turn over onto your side to fall asleep.
You: Babe?
Sora: Mhm?
You: I love you
He's a bit taken aback by your words especially because you're high, but he says it back anyways.
Sora: I love you too
You smile and before you know it your fall asleep. You're awoken the next morning by sunlight gleaming through the window. You check the time on your phone, it's around 8. You feel the spot on the bed next to you, but Sora isn't there. You see the light on in the bathroom so you assume he's getting ready. You decide to get up too. You go knock on the bathroom door.
You: Are you dressed?
Sora: Yeah, but even if i wasn't it's nothing you haven't seen before or had inside you before
You jokingly roll your eyes
You: Whatever
You use the same toothbrush you used the last time you slept over. After brushing your teeth you turn to Sora.
You: Why are you up so early anyways?
Sora: Kobe and I are gonna run some plays, you can come too if you want, Casey is gonna be there
You smile and nod your head. After you finish getting ready you decide to just change out of the t shirt and put on a hoodie, since nobody else aside from Kobe and Casey will be there. After you and Sora are both ready you guys head to the school. You see your mom has called so you call her back.
You: Hello?
Your Mom: How was your night? You sleep okay?
You: I slept fine
Your Mom: You're taking a pregnancy test when you get home
You attempt to whisper yell
You *whispering*: Mom what?? We didn't even have sex
Your Mom: Then it should be no problem
You roll your eyes
You: Whatever mom. I'll call you later
You hang up and bury your face in your hands
Sora: Your mom thinks we had sex?
You nod your head and Sora laughs a little
You: It's not funny, now she's gonna make me take a pregnancy test
Sora: Well you're not pregnant so it'll be fine
You: You don't know that
Sora: What do you mean I don't know that, the first time i used protection and the second time i pulled out
You: Condoms break
Sora gives up trying to reason with you
Sora: You'll be fine
A few minutes later you guys pull into the school parking lot. Kobe and Casey are already there. You guys walk to the field together. The boys walk ahead while you and Casey string behind.
You: Did you have fun last night?
Casey: Yeah I did
You: Sorry about the after party, if i would've known you'd be uncomfortable i would've told the boys we didn't wanna go
Casey: It's totally okay, parties don't make me uncomfortable, drugs make me uncomfortable
You: I get it
When you guys get to the field you watch the boys run plays which eventually gets boring.
You: We should ask them if we can play
Casey: We don't know how though
You: We'll learn, cmon
You walk onto the field and Casey follows you.
You: Can you guys teach us how to play
Sora smiles
Sora: Bet
He runs down the basic rules and you and Casey follow along.
Sora: So Kobe and I will be on a team and you and Casey will be on a team
You frown
You: Wait that's not fair
Sora: Life's not fair babygirl
You: Ew don't say that ever again
You guys "play football" for a little while before you and Casey eventually give up.
Kobe: No offense but you guys suck at football
Casey playfully punches him in the arm and laughs.
You: Guys i'm lowkey hungry...wanna get something to eat
Sora: Hell yeah
You smile and you guys walk back to your cars while discussing where to eat.

p.s.- this idea came from shy 🌝 (but she was inspired by all american 💀), also i think being called babygirl is cute 🥲, also i have severe writers block so should i start intensifying the plot???

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