Chapter 36

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After you guys can finally get out of the hot tub you both go upstairs. Sora gets in the shower and you go on your phone. While he's in the shower you decide to look at the test. You pull it out from under the bed then take a deep breath before looking at it. You look down and it reads positive. You stare at it for a moment, just frozen, thinking about what to do next. Suddenly Sora comes out the bathroom.
Sora: What are you looking at
You slide the pregnancy test back under the bed
You: Um nothing
You decide to avoid telling him, for many various reasons. He looks at you weirdly.
You: I'm gonna go shower
You pick out a pair of pajamas then take a shower. Once you're out the shower you return to the bedroom. Sora is laying down on the bed. He looks over at you and you half smile.
Sora: I ordered pizza for dinner
You: Okay that sounds good
Sora: You okay?
You: Yeah why wouldn't I be?
Does he know something?
Sora: I don't know i'm just making sure
You smile a little, mostly because of relief
You: Yeah i'm good
When the pizza arrives about 30 minutes later you guys eat and then chill for a while. Before you know it it's time to go to bed. You cant sleep though. You toss and turn until finally you give up on sleeping. You climb out of bed being carefully not to wake Sora up. You grab your keys, your wallet, and your phone then head downstairs. You go to your car and head to the store. When you arrive you don't even know why you're there. You first go to the aisle with all the snacks, you pick out some candy and chips and a drink. You then go to the aisle where the pregnancy tests are. You just stare at them blankly but you're snapped out of your thoughts by an employee.
Employee: Do you need help finding something?
You: No I'm okay
The employee smiles and nods then turns to walk away before you stop her.
You: Actually wait...
She turns back around
You: Which tests give the most accurate results?
Employee: I say probably these ones
She hands you one in a blue box. You look at the price which reads almost $30.
Employee: Just take it, and the snacks too
She rips off the sticker so that the alarm at the door isn't set off, then hands the box back to you. You smile
You: Thank you
Employee: Of course...and good luck
You smile and make your way out the store. When you arrive back home you silently try to sneak back into the house. You're startled by Sora coming around the corner.
You: Oh my fucking god you can't scare me like that
You thank god that you left the pregnancy test in the car.
Sora: Sorry I didn't mean to, I was just worried when you weren't in bed
You: I mean you could've called me but I- I just got hungry
Sora: There's a lot to eat here
You: Yeah but I was craving specific stuff
Sora: Oh
You open the bag of chips and hold them out towards him
You: Want some?
Sora: Sure
He takes a handful and you smile and eat some too. You eventually go back to bed.

You're very tired, you can barely keep your eyes open during class. At lunch time you buy an iced coffee then take a seat at your usual table with Casey.
Casey: So? What happened?
You swish around your coffee before taking a sip
You: Im pregnant
Casey: Did you tell Sora
You: No
Casey: Why not?
You: I'm just gonna avoid telling him for as long as I can
Casey: I mean okay I guess
You take another sip of your coffee but then you start feeling sick to your stomach.
You: I think Im gonna be sick
You decide your best bet is to throw up in the trash can instead of trying to make it to the bathroom. You run to the nearest trash can and vomit. You're body heats up with embarrassment as you continue throwing up. Meanwhile at Sora's lunch table, Noah informs him of the situation
Noah: Bro your girlfriend is throwing up in the trash can
Sora: What?
He turns around to look at you and the comes over to you.
Sora: Baby are you okay?
You push him back from you and feel awful immediately after.
You: Im sorry I just- I'm fine
You throw up again and he rubs your back. You cough and rub your eyes. You stand up and take a deep breath
Sora: Are you sure you're okay?
You: I am now
You go back to your lunch table.
Casey: Are you okay?
You: Yeah I'm fine
You take another sip of your coffee and sigh.

It's been a few weeks since you found out you were pregnant. You still haven't told Sora and he hasn't found out either. Today he has practice so you hang out with Casey after school.
Casey: When are you gonna tell him?
You: I don't know, maybe I won't tell him until i'm showing
Casey: Um
You: I'm joking, I don't know, maybe in a few more weeks
Casey: Have you been to an OB yet?
You: Yeah, she says the baby looks fine and that i'm like 2 months along or something
Casey: That's good
You: I'm probably gonna go now so I can be home before Sora gets there
Casey: Okay
You hug her then head back to the house. You're surprised when you see Sora's car out front. You go upstairs and he's sitting on the bed. He looks very serious.
Sora: Can we talk
You: Yeah...what's up?
Sora holds out the pregnancy test and your heart drops to your stomach
Sora: Why didn't you tell me
You: I was going to i swear but I- how did you even find that anyways?
Sora: I was cleaning my room and found it under the bed, how long have you known?
You: For about a month...
You can tell he's getting upset.
You: But I was gonna tell you i promise
You take a step back and he sharply inhaled
Sora: That's not the point...the point is that you hid it from me and i wanna know why
You: Because I was scared of you'd react
Sora: Why??
You look down, you can barely look him in his eyes.
Sora: Why????
Sora pauses for a moment
Sora: You do?
You: Yes...and I was afraid of how you'd react to that
Sora: I'll react the same way I did last time, i'll support any choice you make
You: Yeah but a baby is gonna make your life so much more complicated, football and high school in general will be so much different and the fact that you can just up and leave when you don't wanna do this anymore is scary
Sora: I'm never gonna leave you, i want you to understand that, yes i know a baby will change my life but i'm willing to make that change for you
You smile a little, his words make you regret not telling him sooner.

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