Chapter 58

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A few moments later, Kobe comes over to the table still holding the bag of ice to his eye. He completely ignores your presence and looks Casey deep in her eyes.
Kobe: Can we talk?
Casey nods her head but doesn't move
Kobe: Outside?
Casey: Oh...yeah
She follows Kobe out the cafeteria doors leaving you alone at the table.

Casey: Are you okay?
Kobe: I'm fine but this isn't about me...I wanted to apologize to you and not just because your best friend beat the shit out of me and threatened to kill me, but because I genuinely am sorry. What I said to you on Saturday night was horrible and it wasn't true. I was just stressed and upset and I took it out on you. That isn't an excuse and that doesn't make it okay but's just something I need to work on, before our baby comes like you said, anyways I want you to know I'm sorry but I get it if you can't forgive me yet
Casey: I forgive you
Kobe: You do?
Casey smiles a little
Casey: Yeah, you were just upset and we all say things we don't mean when we're upset...and I'm sorry about what Y/N did to you, I tried to talk her out of it
Kobe: It's okay...she definitely beat some sense into me
Casey giggles a little
Casey: Can I see the damage?
Kobe pull the eyes off his eye. It turning purple due to bruising and it's very swollen. His right half of his lip is swollen as well.
Casey: That looks like it hurts
Kobe: It did...but I'm glad you have a best friend that's ride or die for you
Casey smiles
Casey: Yeah me too
They both then make their way inside

You watch as Kobe and Casey make their way back to the table. Sora is also here since he came to sit with you so you wouldn't be lonely while Kobe and Casey were gone. When they get back to the table there's a moment of awkward silence. You look over at Kobe.
You: I'm sorry for fucking up your face
Kobe: It's okay...I definitely deserved it
Everyone at the table laughs a little
You: So we're cool?
Kobe: For sure
Sora: Well now that we're all on good terms again...I have a proposal
You all turn your attention to him and wait for him to speak.
Sora: In like June what if we all go on a trip to Hawaii, it could be like one last vacation before the babies come, my parent have a house there so we won't even have to pay for much
You consider the idea for a moment
You: That sounds really fun actually
You look over at Casey
Casey: I mean as long as my mom says yes I'm down
Kobe: I'm going if Casey's going
Sora: Bettt
He then looks over at you.
Sora: You can even have your maternity pictures taken there too
You: I'd love that
You plant a soft kiss on his lips and smile. Casey and Kobe both make faking gagging sounds and you giggle.

You wait for Sora by the car. He takes a little longer than usual. You're relieved when he finally makes it to the car.
You: Finally, what took you so fucking long?
Sora: Sorry I had to set some shit straight
You raise and eyebrow but then decide to let it go. You climb into the passenger seat and Sora starts the car.
You: Can we go visit my mom? I wanted to talk to her about us moving in and I need to talk to the doctors about when she might be out of the hospital.
Sora: Yeah of course...but I haven't really talked to my parents about you and your mom moving in yet
You: Yeah I know but if my mom agrees then your parents will feel more forced to agree too...I mean how could they deny a woman who almost died
Sora: It's scary how manipulative you you ever manipulate me?
You: If I did I wouldn't tell you

When you arrive in your moms hospital room her face lights up with a smile. She's finally gotten her bandages from surgery taken off and you're happy to be able to see her face again. You smile and pull a chair up next to her bed.
You: Hey mom
Your Mom: Hi sweetie, how are you?
You: I'm good
She shifts her gaze to Sora and smiles
Your Mom: How are you Sora?
Sora: I'm good thank you for asking, how are you?
Your Mom: Just happy to be getting better
Sora smiles a little and you take this as your chance to bring up the idea
You: Speaking of getting better...I wanted to ask you something mom
Your Mom: What's up honey?
You: Could we possibly move in with Sora and his parents
Her face falls a little which makes your stomach drop.
You: Before you say no please hear me out...they have enough space for us to all live together comfortably, I could have extra help taking care of you, and my baby could live in a home with both his parents instead of constantly having to be switched between two houses, I know it's a lot to take in but please consider it
She softly smiles and looks over your shoulder towards Sora.
Your Mom: Could we have a minute please?
Sora: Yes of course
He excuses himself out the room and disappears down the hall
Your Mom: I get where you're coming from, us all living together is easier on everyone, and I adore Sora and appreciate him and his family for everything they do for you but I don't know if I feel comfortable permanently invading their space like that
You: We won't be invading mom, I mean we're all basically gonna become family, and besides it won't be permanent for you
Your Mom: For me?
You: Yeah...I'm thinking even after you're better, I'll still stay with Sora and his family because like I said, I want my baby to grow up in a home with both his parents you know...
Your Mom: Oh...
You: I know it's gonna be a big adjustment and I'm sorry that all my awful choices affect you so negatively
Your Mom: Choosing to grow up a little faster and keep your baby isn't an awful decision, it's brave and you have been so brave, between my accident, the abortion of your first baby, and choosing to keep this made good choices and I'm willing to change things up so you can keep making good choices, so if it's okay with his parents as well, we can move in with them
You smile excitedly and kiss your moms cheek.
You: Thank you so so much
Your Mom: Of course honey, your dad would be so proud of how much you've grown
You smile and squeeze your moms hand
You: I'm gonna go find Sora and let him know...and can you tell the doctor to call me so I can talk to her about when you'll be discharged
Your Mom: Yeah of course
You: Thank you so much...I love you
Your Mom: I love you too
You make your way out her room and go look for Sora.

p.s.- do we think his parents will agree 🤨🫣

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