Chapter 25

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Sora enters the room followed by his mom and his dad. His mom gives you a warm smile, despite what you just heard downstairs.
Sora's Mom: Hey honey
You try to get off the bed to greet her properly.
Sora's Mom: Oh no, you don't have to get up if you don't want to
You smile and nod your head
Sora's Mom: I'm sorry to hear about your mom sweetheart, if there's anything we can do to make you feel better please let us know, and you're welcome to stay home from school for as long as you need okay?
You can only manage to spit out a couple words
You: Thank you
Sora's Mom: Of course
She shuts the door leaving you and Sora alone in the room.
Sora: I'm sorry about all the stuff she said...she's just a little upset with me but it has nothing to do with you
You: It's okay...I get it, thank you for standing up for me
Sora: It's the least I can do
The roll goes silent for a minute before Sora interrupts it.
Sora: So um I know it's probably the last thing on your mind but have you made your know about the baby
You: Yeah uh I think i'm gonna get the abortion
Sora nods and sits next to
Sora: When do you wanna do it?
You: As soon as possible
Sora: Want me to make an appointment for you
You: That'd be great..
Sora: Okay
He kisses your cheek then exits the room, probably to go call around. About a half an hour later he returns into the room. You pause the TV and sit up and look at him.
Sora: Tomorrow at 4:30
You force a small smile and nod
You: Okay...
Sora: Are you worried
You: A little but i'll be okay
Sora nods his head and lays down beside you
Sora: You are so strong
You smile but don't say anything. The rest of the day is spent in bed watching TV, until you doze off to sleep.

You wake up with a pounding headache, probably from not eating dinner the night before. You get up and brush your teeth then wash your face. You actually get out of your pajamas and change into real clothes. You slowly go downstairs. Sora and his parents are all eating breakfast together at the table. The sight reminds you of what your family used to be like. You make your way into the dining room to get to the kitchen and Sora's dad looks up at you.
You: I'm sorry I don't mean to interrupt, I just needed some water
Sora's Dad: You're not interrupting, come sit down with us
As much as you don't want to, it'd be rude to decline the invitation of those letting you stay in their house. You sit down and clear your throat
Sora's Mom: Are you gonna be going to school today?
You: Yeah I think so
Sora's mom smiles.
Sora's Mom: Okay great, if it gets to be too much though, you can always come back
You smile and nod as you slather some jelly onto a piece of toast. While his parents aren't looking you whisper to Sora to ask if they know about the abortion. He nods his head no and tell you that you don't have to tell them but not telling them doesn't feel right.
You: Um may I say something
Sora's Dad: Of course
You swallow, your throat suddenly tight and dry. Sora's mom looks at you with thoughtful eyes, as if she'll be understanding of whatever you say. You take a deep breath in
You: I'm um...gonna get an abortion on the baby,
You can tell that's not what she is expecting but her expression still remains soft and kind.
You: I just don't feel like it's fair to put that financial strain on your guys, and to take away Sora's chance at a normal highschool experience and most of all I just couldn't be a good mom right now...
Sora's mom reaches across the table and squeezes your hand.
Sora's Mom: We will support you, when is it happening?
You: Today
Another unexpected answer.
Sora's Mom: Okay, how do you feel
You: Nervous
Sora's Mom: It's gonna be alright...i promise
She smiles and so do you. You then slide your chair away from the table
You: Excuse me but I think I'm gonna head to school now
Sora stands up as well
Sora: Me too
You both exit the dining room.
Sora: You didn't have to tell them
You: I know but it didn't feel right to not tell them
Sora nods then changes the subject
Sora: Are we riding together?
You: Sure
He grabs his keys and his book bag which reminds you you'll have to stop by your house on the way to school to get your backpack. You don't know if you're ready for that...

p.s.- sorry this part was kinda short but i had such a bad headache while writing it and i have to be up early tomorrow 💀💀

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