Chapter 60

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A few moments later, Sora goes to take a shower. While he's in the shower you get yourself dressed again and contemplate what your best option is. You don't wanna go downstairs because you're almost sure his parents hate you. You also don't wanna go to Casey's house because she'll ask to many questions. You decide to just stay where you are. You lay down and take a deep breath, a few tears stream down your cheeks. Those few tears turn into silent sobs. A little while later when you hear the bathroom light switch off you try to pull yourself together. You get off the bed and head towards the bathroom.
Sora: Are you crying?
He doesn't say this as if he's angry, he says this with concern. However, you still lie
You: No
You let yourself into the bathroom and lock the door behind you. The two of you spend the rest of the night in silence, avoiding each other. When it's time to go to sleep, you lay down as far away from him as possible, turned so that your back is facing him.
Sora: Goodnight
You: Night
By the time he falls asleep, you're still awake. You just stare at the ceiling. You don't even know what time it is when you somehow fall asleep.

You're scared awake from your sleep by the sound of your alarm going off. You don't even wanna get out of bed, so you hit snooze on your alarm. When you wake up again it is almost 7:00. You actually get up this time because you have to be ready at 7:20. You don't have time to put on any makeup or eat breakfast today. When you go downstairs, Sora is waiting by the door.
Sora: Are we driving together
You can't even form a verbal response so you just shrug your shoulders. He seems to take that as a yes since he grabs his keys and lets you out the door. The ride to school is silent as well, the only sound being the low hum of the engine. When you guys arrive at school, he doesn't kiss your cheek like he normally does, you both just part ways without speaking. You go meet up with Casey in your normal spot. She looks up from her phone and raises an eyebrow.
Casey: Are you okay??
You: Yeah I'm fine
Casey: You aren't fine, talk to something going on with you and Sora
You stay silent and she nods
Casey: I'm gonna take that as a yes, so what happened
You: Nothing, we're just fighting about something stupid right now
Her gaze moves away from your eyes and down to your neck. She has a look of confusion on your face
Casey: Your neck is bruising
Your thoughts begin to spin. You hadn't noticed in your rush to get ready this morning, but you know the bruising is from when he choked you last night. You hope she doesn't catch on.
You: Really..? I wonder why
Casey: You and Sora were fighting?
You: arguing
Casey: About?
You: What's gonna happen when the baby comes
Casey: You guys were just arguing?
You: Yes
Her eyes crease with concern
Casey: Are you sure he didn't put his hands on you?
You: What...?
Casey: I don't hit you or something?
By now you're pretty sure you're fucked. You know Casey isn't stupid
You: He would never
Casey: Y/ can tell me if he did
You: He DIDN'T
Casey: I'm not stupid, you don't just get bruises on your neck and not know where they came tell me...did he or did he not put his hands on you?
You: How do you know that's what happened?
Casey: Because my ex used to do it to ME, he used to beat the shit out of me and I just let it happen, but I'm not gonna let it happen to you
You break and try to explain the situation to her.
You: He's never hit me was just once last night. We were arguing and I was yelling at him and then he slapped me in the face. I told him he should just use his words and then he choked me. That's why my neck is bruising but it won't happen again
Casey: How do you know that?
You: Because he already apologized and I told him that if he ever hits me again I'll leave
Casey: You promise?
You: Promise
The bell rings and you say bye to Casey. You feel bad about lying to her but you're sure that Sora will apologize today. You're also sure that you wouldn't leave him if he hit you again, which is what scares you.

The ride back home is also silent. When you guys arrive at home you both go upstairs to the room and try not to acknowledge each others presence. Sora is sitting at his desk doing homework and you're on the bed scrolling TikTok when Sora finally decides to break the silence.
Sora: Can we talk?
You look up at him and you guys lock eyes with each other. He then begins to speak.
Sora: I owe you an apology
You: You think?? Why would you ever hit me...
Sora: I don't know...I don't know what was going through my head. I guess I just had so much built up anger and us fighting made that all come out. I lost my temper. That's never gonna be an excuse for me to put my hands on you but I don't even know how to tell you how sorry I am
You: I get it...we all fuck up when we're angry, I forgive you. But you have to promise me something
Sora: Anything
You: You will NEVER put your hands on me again. And if you do...I'm leaving, and I'm taking my baby with me
Sora: Okay...I understand
You: And also you need to work on controlling your temper. If we're arguing and you feel so angry that you wanna hit me just walk away, you don't even have to say anything, just leave and come back when you're calm, because honestly if you don't get it under control, I'll me scared to let you around my...our child
Sora: I get that...and I will, I will work on it
You: I love you more than words can explain baby, and I want us to work out, not just for our babies sake, but for our sake too, my life means nothing to me without you in it
He presses his forehead against yours and smiles.
Sora: I love you too, and I'll do everything I can to make sure we stay together forever I promise
You plant a soft kiss on his lips and you smile.

p.s.- them for half this part 😒👩🏽‍🦯 but anyways not them making up 😗

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