Chapter 68

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Devin: You okay?
You: Yeah I'm fine
His eyes move down to your thighs as you pull your sweatpants on.
Devin: Is that a tattoo?
You pause for a moment
You: You ask so many fucking questions
You then sigh
You: It is?
Devin: You have his name tattooed on you? And you're not even with him?
You: Obviously I got it before we broke up, and besides it's not like he's just my boyfriend, he's my baby's father...I don't even know why I'm talking to YOU about this
You pull your shirt back on and so does he
Devin: Because I'm here...and you probably need somebody to talk to you
You: I don't wanna talk to you, I wanna feel better
Devin: Do you...? Feel better
You: Yeah, sure
You climb back into the front seat and lay your head against the headrest
You: I just wanna go home..
Devin: Okay
He climbs back into the passenger seat and drives you back to the house. When you arrive Sora is in the kitchen
Sora: Did you have fun?
You: Something like that
You make your way upstairs to take a shower. When you go into the bathroom you observe the cracked mirror. It's almost like a visual representation of how your heart feels. You turn on the shower and wait for it to heat up. You step into the warmth of the water and slide down the wall. You hug your knees to your chest and tears fall down your face. You don't realize how long you've been sitting there until you hear a knock on the door
You: What?
Sora: Are you okay?
You: That's a stupid question
Sora: Fair...I just meant because you've been in there a while
You fight back tears and when you speak your voice breaks.
You: I'm fine, can you just leave me alone...?
Sora: Yeah sure
When you're sure he's gone you find the strength to pull yourself off the shower floor and shut off the water. When you step out, you realize you didn't actually shower but you don't have the energy to anyways.

You wake up a little earlier so you have time to shower. While you're shaving your legs in the shower you accidentally cut yourself. You drop the razor as your leg starts to bleed.
You step out the shower and slam the door. You put your foot on top the toilet and observe the cut. You roll your eyes and hold your towel on it until you stop bleeding. You put a band-aid over it and finish getting ready. You decide to wear shorts today instead of pants. When you arrive at school people look at you and whisper. You're very confused so you look for Casey.
You: Why are people looking at me like that
Casey: Come here
She grabs your wrist and pulls you into the bathroom. She shuts you guys into the biggest stall.
Casey: Did you and Devin have sex in his car yesterday?
You: Yeah...why?
She pulls her phone out her back pocket and shows you a video.
Casey: Somebody, probably Devin, airdropped this to a lot of people
You take her phone out her hands and observe. The video is of you and Devin in his car and although you can't see your face, it's so obvious that it's you.
You: I'm fucked...I have to cover my tattoo
Casey: Why??
You: Just in case
You pull some concealer out your backpack. You use almost the whole tube to cover the tattoo.
You: I'm gonna fucking kill him
Casey: Wait-
You let yourself out the stall and go look for Devin. On your way to find him, you pass by Sora.
Sora: Y/N wait-
He grabs your hand but you quickly pull it away.
You: I can't talk right now
You walk away and a few moments later you find Devin. You walk over to him with nothing but rage in your body. You grab his arm and dig your nails into his skin.
You: What the fuck is wrong with you?
Devin: What?
You sink your nails deeper.
You: Don't act stupid, why would you take a video
Devin: Fuck
Devin: Listen...I only showed one person and then he airdropped it, that's not my fault
You: Well now everyone is gonna think I'm a slut
Devin: You kinda are...
You: What?
Devin: You break up with your boyfriend and the first thing you do is have sex with another guy? Besides you've gotten pregnant twice in one school year
You loosen your grip on his arm.
You: How do you know that?
Devin: People talk
You: You're a dick
Devin: I'll take being a dick over being a slut any fucking day
You walk away and he says something to you as you leave
Devin: Tattoos don't disappear over night so why cover it? It only makes you 10 times hotter
You take a deep breath in order to stay calm but increase the pace that you're walking. You make your way to first period. When you walk in, sure enough everyone is staring at you. About halfway into class your name is called over the intercom, stating that you're wanted in the principal's office. You sigh and gather your things before excusing yourself out of class. When you arrive at the principal's office he motions to the chair.
Principal: Have a seat
You sit down in the chair across from him
You: Why am I here
Principal: To my knowledge there seems to be a video going around school of two students engaging in sexual activities
You: Yeah and? What does that have to do with me
Principal: Well many other students suspect that girl in the video is you
You: So you called me here based off suspicion
Principal: I called you here to see if you know anything
You: I don't
Principal: Should I remind you that the video is child pornography?
You: I'm aware and in that case shouldn't the guy that you "suspect" is in the video be here too? Or the person who spread it around?
The principal sighs.
Principal: Well I haven't seen the video myself but students have said the girl in the video has a tattoo on her left thigh
You: So?
Principal: Would you mind standing up? No tattoo means I can verify that it isn't you
You stand from your chair.
You: See? I don't have a fucking tattoo
Principal: Language
You: But I suggest you put your time into finding out who spread that goddamn video around
You excuse yourself from the room and slam the door shut behind you.

p.s.- Devin did her dirtyyy 👩🏽‍💻

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