Chapter 43

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You meet Casey by her locker.
You: I have an idea
Casey: What is it?
You: Secret Santa!!!
Casey: With who?
You: Me, you, and the boys duh
Casey: I'm down
You: Good, we'll arrange at lunch
Casey: Mhm
She looks down and bites her thumb nail, something she only does when she's under extreme stress
You: What's wrong?
Casey: Kobe is really stressed about the game on Friday, he's worried the coach won't put him in the game and it's messing with him, he's been so tense and he gets mad at me so easily
You: It's normal for him to be stressed out but i'll have Sora kinda talk to him if you want
Casey: I mean yeah I guess
You put your hand on her shoulder
You: It's gonna be okay I promise
She smiles and then walks away.

You, Casey, Kobe, and Sora sit together today in order to arrange for Secret Santa.
Kobe: How is this shit even gonna work anyways?
You: We're gonna write everyone's name on a piece of paper, mix them around, and we each choose one name, then we have to buy a gift for whoever we get
Kobe: Okay bettt
You look at Sora
You: Do you have paper and a pencil?
He nods his head and gets a piece of paper and a pencil out his book bag. You rip it into four squares writing one persons name on each piece. You then fold them up and mix them around
You: Okay now everyone pick a paper.
You each pick a paper and open them up to reveal the name. You got Sora.
Kobe: Who'd you guys get??
Sora: You're such a dumbass, the whole point of Secret Santa is for it to be a SECRET
Kobe: Oh yeahhhh
You all laugh and store your pieces of paper away.

It's the day of the last playoff game. This will determine who makes it to the state championships so everyone is showing a lot of school spirit. You have the number 22 painted on your cheek in the school colors since Sora's jersey number is 22. Casey has 49 painted on her cheek for Kobe's jersey number. You also have you eyeshadow done in the school colors and ribbons with the school colors in your hair, as does Casey. Lastly you wear a jersey with Sora's number and last name on the back
You: I'm sooo excited for the game
Casey: Me too, i really hope we win
You: Yeah me too
Casey: Are we riding to the game together?
You: Yeah I can pick you up if you want
Casey: Okay

You freshen up for the game but you're still wearing the outfit you wore to school. On the way to pick up Casey, you call Sora.
Sora: Hello?
You: Hey I just wanted to tell you good luck, you're gonna do great I know it
Sora: Thank you babe
You: Of course
Sora: I love you
You: I love you too
Sora: Bye
You: Bye bye
You hang up the phone. Once you pick up Casey you two head to school. As you approach the field you can hear the band playing. The bleachers are already starting to fill so you guys rush to get good seats.
Casey: This makes me so nervous
You: I know right but the boys are gonna do great, even if we don't win
Casey: Yeah
A few moments later the announcer begins speaking over the loud speaker.
Announcer: Welcome to the last game of the playoffs!!! This game will determine which team moves on to the state championship! Tonight we have the Marian Hills Tigers playing against the West Hampton Eagles so let's welcome both teams to the field!!
The crowd is mostly filled with people from your school so they get really loud when your players run onto the field and the cheering dies down for the other team

Announcer: It's a tight game with a score of 37-31, the Marian Hills Tigers are in the lead and if they score this touchdown they'll be moving on to the state championships.
The time in the game resumes and the ball is thrown. Sora catches it, neatly dropping it but he makes a good save. He runs for the end zone just barely making it.
Announcer: Number 22 scores the game winning touchdown and with that the Marian Hills Tigers are going to state!!!
The crowd cheers super loudly but you and Casey are practically screaming at the top of your lungs.
You look down at your stomach and quietly whisper to the baby
You: You probably can't hear me but your dad is going to the state championship!!!
The team is celebrating on the field as the other team exits the field disappointedly. Sora looks over at you and makes a heart with his hands. You make a heart back and blow him a kiss, smiling with excitement. You then turn to Casey.
You: We should go congratulate them
Casey: Yess!!
You guys make your way onto the field. Casey breaks away from you to talk to Kobe and you go to talk to Sora however Taty beats you to him. You roll your eyes in annoyance
Taty: Congratulations!!! 
She gives him a big hug which almost makes you vomit
Sora: Thank youu!
She jokes around with him a little
Taty: You're not gonna become all popular and forget about me are you?
Sora smiles a little
Sora: I would never
Taty: You played amazing today, i'm so proud of you, i mean it
She gives him another hug and goes to talk to some other boys from the team. You walk closer to Sora.
You: The game winning touchdown??? I see you baby
He gives you a hug around your waist and spins your around
Sora: I don't think I could have done it without you supporting me
You give him a kiss on the cheek
You: You were so good, i'm so so proud of you
Sora: Thank you!!!
There's an awkward silence for a moment
Sora: Me and the team are gonna go out to eat to celebrate..
You: So Taty is suddenly part of the team?
You cross your arms
Sora: No she's just tagging along I mean-
You: It's fine I get
Sora reaches out to touch your hand
Sora: Babe I just- i mean do you wanna come too?
You pull your hand away from him
You: I said it's fine just...go have fun with your team okay? I'll see you at home
You roll your eyes and walk away from him.

p.s.- dramaaa 🫣🫣 was Y/N being over dramatic?

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