Chapter 49

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It's Saturday, the day of your gender reveal. Casey is coming over at 9 to set up, which means you have to get up early. You wake up around 8:00 but just lay in bed for a while. Once you finally get up, you make yourself look presentable. You go downstairs and eat and a little while later Casey arrives as well as Kobe. You answer the door for her.
Casey: Happy gender reveal!!!
You: Thank you!!
You give her a small hug
Casey: I'm gonna be in and out because I have a lot of shit to get out my car
You: Okay, let me know if you need help with anything
Casey: No, you just sit back and relax, I have my little helper right here
She motions towards Kobe and you giggle
You: Okay
You lay down on the couch and somehow end up falling asleep. You're awaken by someone poking your cheek.
Harmony: Wake up!!!
Ashley: Harmony! Don't do that, let her sleep
You smile and sit up
You: Oh no it's fine, she's so adorable, how old is she?
Ashley: She's turn 4 in July
You: Awww!! My baby is due in July
Ashley: Oh really? Congratulations by the way
You: Thank you
She smiles and lifts up Harmony
Ashley: Let's go get something to eat
Harmony waves bye to you and you smile and wave back. You then pull yourself off the couch and go outside to see the progress Casey has made. So far she's set up two large tents for shade with tables and chairs underneath. She also has a table with all the refreshments on them and a place for gifts in case anyone brings one. You smile and your stomach turns with excitement.
You: It looks great Casey
Casey: Thank go!!! I want the final look to be a surprise
You jokingly roll your eyes.
You: Fine fine
You go back inside and make yourself some coffee since you're struggling to stay awake.
Sora's Mom: Your friend is so sweet for throwing this party for you, what's her name again
You: Casey, and yeah she's the best
Sora's Mom: Are you leaning toward a boy or a girl?
You: Mmmm I'm thinking boy
You hear a voice chiming in from around the corner
Egypt: Oh yeah, boy 100%
Sora's Mom: Why is that
Egypt: I already have a girl, a beautiful little girl, Sora can't have one too
Sora comes down the stairs
Sora: Yeah I can and I'm thinking a girl
You giggle and swish around your cup of coffee.
You: I wish I had a family like this
Egypt: Of course you do, you're part of this family now
You smile
Sora: Finally you say something smart Egypt
Sora's Mom: I love having both my boys know Egypt it wouldn't hurt to move back here
Egypt: I like Florida, besides I have a job and Ashley has a job and Harmony has friends
Sora's Mom: Yeah I know
Egypt then turns his attention to you
Egypt: So why do you leave here anyways?
Sora: Egypt...
You look over at Sora and shake your head
You: It's okay
You turn your attention back to Egypt.
You: My mom was in a pretty bad accident so i'm just staying here until she's better
Egypt: Im sorry to hear that...what about your dad
Egypt: WHAT???
You: Sora dad passed away a year ago in a car accident
Egypt: Im sorry for your loss
You: It could be worse
You spend the morning talking with Sora's family and it's the first time you've actually enjoyed conversations with them. Around 12 you go upstairs to get ready.
You: What color should I wear?
Sora: Mmmm white i think
You: It's a gender reveal not a fucking wedding
He looks over at you and you smile
You: Relax i'm just kidding, white sounds great
You choose a long white dress with white sandals.
You: Does this look okay?
Sora: It looks more than okay, it looks gorgeous
You smile a little
You: Thank you...okay now time for makeup
You decide to just do light makeup since it's pretty hot outside. You finish getting ready around 12:45 which gives you time to just relax before guests get here. You're chilling on your phone when you hear a knock on the bedroom door.
You: Come in
You look up from your phone to see Egypt in the doorway.  You smile and point toward the bathroom
You: Sora's in there, I'm gonna go downstairs
You head downstairs and outside to see the finished set up for the party
You: Casey!!! It looks amazing
Casey: Thank you, i hope you like it
You: I fucking love it
You take a cube of cheese from a tray and pop in your mouth
Casey: You shouldn't eat those, they're for the guests
You: It's my party
Casey: True

Egypt: You know I'm proud of you right?
Sora: Proud?
Egypt: Yeah?
Sora: Thanks
Egypt: I'm serious, you're doing great at school and great and football, and your stepping up to be a father which takes effort
Sora: Yeah but nothing I do will ever measure up to you, mom and dad think you're perfect
Egypt: Its not about measuring up to anyone, it's about doing your best and that's what you're enough with all this sappy shit, there's fucking party downstairs
Sora smiles and both him and Egypt head downstairs

The doorbell rings and you go to answer it. It's someone you don't know, but you greet them anyways, assuming they're a friend of Sora's.
You: The party is outside, there's food and drinks and a place for you to put the gift
Person: Thank you and congratulations!!!
You: Thanks!!!
Guests continue to file in. Eventually you get tired of answering the door so you prop the gate to the backyard open. At about 1:15 Taty arrives. She walks over to you and smiles
Taty: Hey
You: Hi
She holds out a gift bag
Taty: Where do I put this?
You: On that table beside the food
Taty: Thanks
She begins to walk away but you stop
You: I'm sorry about what I said in the bathroom the other day, it was really rude
Taty: It's okay, I get it
She smiles and walks away. A few moments later you hear Casey talking.
She signals for you and Sora to come over so you do. Everyone turns their attention to her
Casey: Thank you guys for coming to the gender reveal of our wonderful soon to be parents
She motions to you and Sora and smiles.
Casey: If you couldn't tell already, drinks and food are over here and gifts are over there, but we're gonna do something real quick okay? if you're team boy please move to the right, if you're team girl please move to the left!
People shift around a bit, following Casey's instructions.
Casey: Now you can talk with people who have the same guess as you and in a few minutes here we'll do the reveal
People begin talking again and you smile. About 30 minutes later Casey calls for everyone's attention again.
Casey: Okay so we're gonna do the gender reveal now!!!
She claps and the guests mimic her action.
Casey: Our parents to be are going to find out the gender of their baby by playing a little game of tic tac toe
Kobe pushes out a huge tic tac toe board and you clap excitedly
Casey: So Y/N will make the first move
You flip the card in the top left corner of the board which reveals the word "girl"
Casey: Now Sora will go next
He flips the card in the middle top row revealing the word "boy"
Casey: Ooooo, now Y/N will go again
You guys continue taking turns flipping the cards until you get to the very last one.
Casey: Since this is the last one they're going to flip it together
You both mouth a countdown from 3 and flip the last card which just reveals a green dot.
Casey: Sorry guys I just wanted to waste your time!!! We're gonna find out this gender the good old fashioned way, with confetti
You jokingly roll your eyes and smile. She hands you each a tube.
Casey: On the count of three theyll pop the tubes open and the color of the confetti inside will reveal the gender of the baby, so get ready, 1...2...3...
You and Sora both twist the bottom of the tubes and blue confetti flys out. You jump up and down excitedly
You smile and Sora and kiss him. The guests clap and cheer
Sora: We're gonna have a son!!!
Casey: So if you were team boy you were absolutely correct, they amazing couple right here will be welcoming a beautiful son into the world
For some reason your eyes fill with tears and you try to fan them away. Sora giggles a little.
You: I don't wanna cry, i'll mess up my mascara
You then turn to Casey and hug her
You: Thank you so much
Casey: Of course, now make mine just as good
You sniffle and giggle
You: You know I will
You and Sora enjoy the rest of the party, he introduces you to some of his friends and you have a lot of fun. This is one of the happiest days of your life.

p.s.- i've never been to a gender reveal 🥲

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