*Chapter 1-Project Partners*

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"Delilah Henderson and Jonathan Byers." I heard my teacher say. "Delilah Henderson and Jonathan WHO?!" I asked, worried. "Jonathan Byers." My history teacher, Ms. Aurora said. She was assigning partners for some project. I groaned. Jonathan and I were of two different social statuses. I was a popular cheerleader while Jonathan was an outcast and loner like type. "You have got to be kidding me!" I said under my breath. After class, I walked up to my teacher. "Ms. Aurora...I need to talk to you about my partner..." I said. "What about him?" She asked me. "Why can't he be with her?!" I asked as I pointed to my enemy, Nancy Wheeler. "You got her partnered up with Steve Harrington. Can't her and I trade partners?! Or can't her and I be partners?! Or I can work with Billy or Robin or just anybody else, please?!" "No. I randomly paired you two up. Just work with him unless you want to fail this semester." Ms. Aurora said. I groaned again as I walked out. When I walked out, Jonathan was already standing there, waiting for me. "Hey...I already have a couple of ideas in mind for our project." Jonathan had said to me. "Don't talk to me at school. Only call me and only call me for the project." I said as I walked away. I will admit that it was a little bitchy of me but someone like me, can not be seen talking to someone like him. It's social suicide! Later on that day, I was getting ready for cheer practice in the locker room when the captain, Alice, walked up to me. "Hey. I heard you got paired up with zombie boy's brother in Ms. Aurora's class." She said. "Who told you?!" I asked. "Nancy." She answered. "Ugh. It's not due for 3 weeks and he's already talking to me about it." I said. "Well you know he has a crush on you, right?" Alice asked me. "WHAT?! NO! EWW!" I exclaimed. "Yeah!" Alice said laughing." I really didn't know that. Working together is going to be even worse now!" I said. Later that night, Jonathan actually called me. I mean, I did tell him that he could. "Do you want to come over after school tomorrow to work on our project?" He asked. "Fine. Whatever." I said. I was not looking forward to it but at the same time, I was ready to just do it, and get it over with. I just hope that nobody else finds out that we're working together...

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