*Chapter 21-Pregnancy 2*

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3 years into us living together, it was the year 1990 and while Jonathan was working for the newspaper as a photographer, I had actually made my way for me to go to school and I was studying journalism. Jonathan and I were having dinner in our apartment together and I was eating a ton more food than I normally ate. So, of course, I ended up feeling a little sick later and I actually threw up! "Maybe you ate too much." Jonathan said. "Well, I was just super hungry because I haven't ate at all today because I was busy studying until I went cross-eyed but now, I feel sick." I said. "Well here, let me help you up then, honey." Jonathan said to me as he helped me up and helped me lie down in bed. "You okay?" Jonathan asked me. "No...Just cuddle me please." I said. "Okay, baby. Just let me clean up the kitchen and then I'll come back and cuddle you, okay?" Jonathan asked me. "Okay..." I said, softly. When Jonathan came back, I was crying. "What's wrong, baby?" Jonathan asked me. "I don't know!" I said, while still crying. So, Jonathan just crawled into bed with me and held me all night while I kept crying. "I love you." Jonathan whispered into my ear as I kept crying. "I lo-love you, too." I said through my tears. I ended up crying myself to sleep that night while Jonathan held me tightly. About a week later, Ariana called me just to talk. "Hey, Let me ask you something." I said. "Sure!" Ariana said. "What made you decide to take a pregnancy test? Like, I've been extra hungry lately, I've been throwing up, I'm crying uncontrollobly for the past few days now....I'm starting to wonder if I maybe am." I said. "Well, actually, you made me come over to your house and take one but maybe you should just to be sure." Ariana said. So, the next day, I went to the store and I purchased a pregnancy test. When I got home, I took the test right away since that Jonathan was at work still and it came back positive! I was pregnant and I was immediately overwhelmed with emotions! I was scared, excited, nervous, happy, worried and overjoyed! I couldn't believe it! I was so happy, but I was still nervous about telling Jonathan, but I did tell him when he came home. "Jonathan?" I asked when he came home. "We need to talk." I told him as I sat down on the couch and he sat down beside me. "Are you breaking up with me?" Jonathan asked me. "No!" I said. " I just found out something today and I'm very overwhelmed with emotions about it." I said with tears forming in my eyes. "What is it?" Jonathan asked me. "Um...I found out today that....I'm pregnant." I said. "Really?!" Jonathan asked me. "Yes." I said. Jonathan then got the biggest smile on his face and he kissed me passionatley and he then placed his hand on my tummy and I placed my hand over top of his hand and I knew that as long as I had Jonathan with me, I had nothing to worry about. Nothing to be scared of. When we told my mom, Jonathan's mom, Dustin, Will, Eddie and Ariana, they were all super excited for us. "It's going to be twins!" Ariana said. "Uh, it better not be!" I said. "Don't jinx me!" Ariana laughed. "I'm sorry, but you told me that you see Eddie as a girl dad and I ended up having a girl and I just see Jonathan as a twin dad!" I sighed. "I hope you're wrong about that, though." I said.

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