*Chapter 11-The First Time*

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Later on that day, in History class, I passed Jonathan a note, asking him to meet me in the parking lot during lunch if he wanted to make out again and he agreed. So, we made out in the backseat of his car this time during lunch when I felt ready. "Jonathan..." I moaned, stopping him. "How far away do you live from here?" I asked him almost out of breath. "About 5 minutes. Why?" He asked me also, out of breath. "I know Will is at school but what about your mom?" I asked. "She's at work. Why?" Jonathan asked. "I'm ready for us. I don't care if we're late to our next class or if we skip it all together but I'm ready for you." I said. "But I don't want our first time together to be in a car." "So you want to go to my house now to have sex with me?" Jonathan asked. "Yeah." I said. "....Okay." Jonathan said as he jumped up front and started the car. I jumped up front with him as we headed to his place. It had started to thunder while we were on our way there and when we got there, it started to rain in additon to the thundering. We got into the house, and Jonathan took my hand and led me to his bedroom. "Are you sure about this?" Jonathan asked me when we got into his room. "Yes." I said as I started kissing him and he started to kiss me back. The kissing got all hot and heavy and intense and Jonathan lied me down on his bed and he started to kiss down my neck and I moaned softly. Jonathan started to slowly undress himself as well as myself. When he got both of us fully undressed, he asked me again. "Are you okay with this? I want to make sure that this is really what you want." Jonathan said to me. "You're not taking my virginity....You know that, right?" I asked him. "Yeah... I just want to make sure you are ready for this." He said. "I am." I told him. "Just close your eyes and relax." Jonathan said so I did and the next thing I knew, Jonathan had his tongue between my legs, licking my clit up and down which caused my eyes to open wide. "Oh fuck, Jonathan!" I moaned loudly.  I felt Jonathan smirk against me as he kept licking, kissing and sucking on me. "Fuck, Jonathan!" I yelled as I held his head down. Jonathan's tongue felt so good on me! He knew exactly what he was doing and he was definitley doing an amazing job. He broke free a minute later and he came back up and he pushed himself into me and he was going fast and hard as he was holding both of my wrists down to the mattress. "Oh, yes!" I moaned as Jonathan kept thrusting into me and he started to kiss down my neck. "I love you, Jonathan." I whispered into his ear. "Call me daddy, baby." Jonathan growled in my ear. It scared me, but also excited me at the same time. "Yes, daddy." I whispered. "That's a good girl." Jonathan whispered into my ear as he kept fucking me. "Oh, daddy! You feel so good!" I moaned out. Jonathan moaned and went harder and faster. "Oh, daddy!" I moaned. "Fuck. You feel great!" Jonathan said. Jonathan then pulled himself out of me and started fingering me as he started to also suck on my nipples which I loved. "Daddy...."I moaned. "Louder!" Jonathan said as he smirked against my skin and kept sucking. Then, he pushed himself into me again as he continued sucking on my nipples."DADDY!" I screamed. Jonathan moaned and kept going harder and harder! "Stop..." I whispered. "Are you okay, baby?!" Jonathan asked me as he stopped everything immediately. "Yes, I want to be on top." I told him smirking. Then, I pushed Jonathan down onto the bed and I climbed on top of him and I slowly lowered myself onto him to where I could feel him all the way inside of me... "Oh, fuck! You feel so damn good and so tight!" Jonathan moaned. I moaned as I continued to bounce up and down on him until I finished. When I finished, I climbed off of him and lied down on my back and he climbed on top of me again and pushed himself into me. I moaned over and over again while Jonathan kept pushing himself in and out of me until he finished. Then, he lied down next to me and he spooned me as we listened to the rain and the thunder. "I love you...." Jonathan whispered in my ear as I fell asleep. I woke up half an hour later and Jonathan was still sleeping. I watched him for a second and then I decided to wake him up. I lightly shook him awake. "Oh... Hey..." Jonathan said. "Hi..." I said softly. "I could get used to waking up next to you." Jonathan said. "Really?" I asked."Yeah...It's nice to wake up and see you." Jonathan said. "We should probably head back to school....." I said. "Yeah...but in a minute...." Jonathan said as he played with my hair. "You're so beautiful." Jonathan said. I blushed and I smiled. So, we lied there for another moment or two before we got up, got dressed, and we went back to school as if nothing happened.

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