*Chapter 8-Date Night*

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Jonathan picked me up at 7 like he said he would and I was honestly a little nervous because this was going to be our first date. "Wow. You look just as beautiful as you normally do." Jonathan said and I felt myself blush. "Thank you. You look nice as well." I told him as he grabbed my hand and we walked to his car and he opened the door for me. I said thank you again and got in and he closed the door for me and got in and we were off. "So, where are we going?" I asked him. "It's this new restaurant that just opened about 3 months ago." Jonathan said."Oh. Okay." I said. After a bit of driving, I saw a sign that said "Now Leaving Hawkins, Indiana." "Where are we going?" I asked. "I wanted to take you some place that I've never taken another girl too." Jonathan said. "Really?" I asked, with a smile. "Yeah." He said, smiling and I smiled back. We ended up at an Italian place. "Oh, I love Italian food!" I said. "Great." Jonathan said smiling. So, we went in and had gotten a table and we had a really great time together. "I never thought that I would be on a date with you." Jonathan said. "I never thought that I would be on a date with you either." I said. "Well, I've wanted to ask you out since freshman year."  Jonathan said. "But, we're seniors....Why didn't you ever ask me out?" I asked. "You probably would've said no." Jonathan said. "Right...I would have turned you down." I said softly. "That's okay." Jonathan said. "That's why I never did it. Decided to save myself from the embarrasment." He added. "But that was in the past so let's just be here now and not worry about back then, okay?" I asked. "Okay." He said as he reached across the table and held my hand with a small smile. For a moment, it felt like he and I were the only 2 people in the world until I heard a very familar, naisly, high-pitched voice say "OH MY GOD! DELILAH?! YOU'RE ON A DATE WITH JONATHAN BYERS?! ZOMBIE BOY'S BROTHER?!" It was Alice! I felt my face turn red. I turned to look at her "Alice. Hi." I said. "We're not on a date. We're just friends."I said. "Then why are you two holding hands?" Alice asked. I didn't have any answer that I could give her so I let go of his hand and decided to change the subject. "Why are you here? You just had pizza 2 hours ago." I said. "Because I'm hungry again and I came here because daddy owns this place, too." Alice said. "But wait till everybody finds out you're dating this geek!" She said, laughing as she walked away, linking arms with her boyfriend. "I'm sorry." Jonathan said. "I guess coming out of town wasn't the best idea." "No. You didn't know that she would be here." I said. "So, it's okay." Jonathan sighed and shook his head. "I can't believe her." He said. "She's a bitch." I said back. "Also, if you want to be my boyfriend, I'm okay with it. Alice is going to tell everybody that we're dating anyways and you did say that you would like to be my boyfriend so why not now?" I asked. "Okay....So we're boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Jonathan asked me. "Yeah...I guess so. But I still want to keep it on the down low. If anybody asks us about it, we'll just deny and I'll start some rumor about her." I said smiling. After dinner, Jonathan and I had also gotten ice cream together once we got back to Hawkins. After that, he took me home and he opened my door when we got to my house and he walked me to my doorstep. "Tonight was fun. I'm sorry about Alice ruining it." I said. "It's alright but I'm glad you had fun." Jonathan said. "Yeah...Me too." I told him. "Maybe we can go out sometime next week too?" Jonathan asked. "I would love to." I told him, smiling. Then, Jonathan smiled and he pushed a couple of strands of hair behind my ear and then he kissed me and I kissed him back. I then went inside and got ready for bed and I went to sleep with a smile on my face.

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