*Chapter 13-Last Pep Rally*

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A couple of weeks later, I forced myself to take a pregnancy test. "Please be negative...Please be negative..." I whispered to myself as I waited for the test results to come through. And then, it appeared. One pink line. It was negative! I immediately called Jonathan to tell him the good news! "Hello?" Jonathan asked when he answered. "I'm not pregnant!" I told him. "What?" Jonathan asked me. "I took a pregnancy test and it came back negative!"I told him. "That's great!" Jonathan said. "I'm so relieved!" I said and I really was! It was the truth. "Me too!" Jonathan said. "Hey... Do you want to come over?" I asked him. "Really?" Jonathan asked. "Yeah...I'm home alone." I said."Okay. I'll be right over." Jonathan said and then he hung up. When he came over, he and I went to my room and I closed the door. "So, what do you want to do?" Jonathan asked me as he sat down on my bed and I smirked and I climbed on top of him, stradling him. Jonathan smirked and placed his hands on my hips. "Wait." I said getting off of him. "I'm not sure how much longer I'll be home alone." I said. "Okay." Jonathan said. I got off of him and I just lied down beside him. "I don't care what we do." I said. "I just love being around you." "Same here." Jonathan said as he kissed me. I just cuddled up next to him and Jonathan held me closely. We ended up just cuddling each other for about half an hour. "Hey...If you think that you are ready and that we're there, I would love to take you home and introduce you to my mom and brother." Jonathan said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah. I'm ready for them to meet you if you think you're ready to meet them." Jonathan asked me. "Um...Okay." I said. "Great!" Jonathan said. "I'll call you after I talk to my mom and brother and get it all set up." "Okay!" I said. "Then, maybe you should meet my mom since you already know Dustin." I said. "What about your dad?" Jonathan asked me. "He died when Dustin was a baby." I said softly. "Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't know." Jonathan said. "It's okay." I said as I held his hand and I gave him a small smile. "But what about your dad?" I asked. "I don't really have anything to do with him..." Jonathan said. "Oh...Sorry." I said. "It's alright." Jonathan said as he gave me a small smile. "I love you." I said. "I love you more." Jonathan said, then we kissed again. The next day at school was the last day of our senior year and we had kinda like a pep rally in the gym to get everybody psyched for summer break! The other cheerleaders and I put together a routine for us to do together and I was one of the flyers so they threw me up in the air and I lied myself flat so they could catch me properly and they did but, one of them that caught me, tripped over her own two feet and they dropped me to where my head hit the floor of the gym, hard! Everybody gasped and it got real quiet. Then, I heard Jonathan calling my name,and I felt his hands on my face as he was trying to get me to open my eyes but his voice was all muffled. Then, I heard Dustin's muffled voice telling his friend, Mike to call 911, even though my ears were ringing and then everything went black...

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