*Chapter 6-Prom*

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The next day, I got ready for prom just in case Jonathan did decide to show up and he did. He was luckily wearing a blue tie which is good because my dress was blue. He had a white corsage with him. "Thanks for coming but I don't deserve it or the corsage." I said. "I bought the corsage before our little arguement yesterday." He said. "Oh...Okay." I said. So, he walked me to his car and he did open the door for me and we headed to my cousin's prom. "Jonathan...I don't deserve you being all nice to me and stuff and I don't want tonight to be awkward so can we just pretend everything is fine between us just for the sake of tonight? Because I am really sorry and I want us to have fun tonight." I said when we got into the car. Jonathan sighed. "Okay...I can pretend." Jonathan said. At the prom, we did slow dance together and we did kiss during our dance a couple of times. We also got our picture taken together. After prom, he took me home and he walked me to my doorstep while holding my hand and we kissed again. "So, am I forgiven.?" I asked. "Yeah. I think so." Jonathan said. I smiled and we kissed again and then I went inside. Back at school, everything was back to normal. I was just as popular as I always had been and I was still killing it on the cheer squad, while Jonthan went back to being to a loser, loner, outcast type. A few days later, I walked out of the locker room for cheer practice and once again, I saw Jonathan there, taking pictures of both us and the football team again with his camera. I gave him a quick wave and a small smile and I focused on our cheer routine. Afterwards, Alice suggested that we all go out for pizza at her dad's pizza restaurant that he owns. "You guys go ahead." I said. "I have to take care of something. Maybe I'll meet up with you guys later." I said to them. When they were out of both ear and eyesight, I went over to Jonathan. "Hey." I said. "Hey." Jonathan said as he was packing up his bag. "Are you doing anything later tonight?" I asked him. "Not really." Jonathan said. "Do you want to do something tonight? Like hang out or something?" I asked him. "Do you like me as a friend or as a crush?" Jonathan had asked me. "Definitley as a friend." I said. "But as for a crush...I don't know. I mean you were some random guy that I passed in the halls of this school, that I happen to have one class with. I never thought anything of you but now that I know you, I think that maybe I do." I said. "If you still want to take me out on a romatic type of date date, then I would really like that. I know that I don't deserve it but I would like to." I said. "I would still like to take you out and maybe even be your boyfriend eventually but aren't you worried about what other people are going to think? "Jonathan asked me. "Who has to know?" I asked grabbing his hand. "We can have a few dates and see what happens, if anything, and if we end up together as boyfriend and girlfriend, then we'll just hide it because believe it or not, I do like you and I like hanging out with you. So, I would still like to go out on an actual date with you and forget about that argument we had. Plus, a secret relationship is better anyways because then you don't have to worry about people meddling in it." "Okay...We can try it." Jonathan said as he intertwined our fingers. "Great. I have to go but I'll call you tonight." I said. "Okay." Jonathan said with a small smile. I smiled back at him then I kissed him and I left.

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