*Chapter 15-Godparents*

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Eddie and Ariana had their baby shower a couple of months after that at Eddie's trailer. Ariana and him decided that she should move in with him since they're having a baby together. They invited both Jonathan and I and since we didn't know the sex of the baby, we bought gender neutral things. We bought them diapers, wipes and a baby bath time set. They were really happy that we showed up and they loved the gifts we bought. Ariana went into labor about 2 months later with me and Jonathan there with them at Eddie's trailer. Luckily, Eddie was right there and already had the van prepared for that reason. It was a girl and they named her Zoey Margaret Munson. I was the first person to hold her besides Eddie and Ariana and the doctors, of course. She was so light and tiny and I could see a lot of Eddie in her. She looked just like him! Jonathan held her afterwards and he agreed that she looked exactly like Eddie. "So, would you guys like to be Zoey's godparents?" Eddie asked us. "Really? Us?" Jonathan said."Well, yeah." Ariana said. "We would really love it if you guys would be there as she grows up and if you guys would be part of her life. She's never going to have any cousins since both Eddie and I are only children. So, if you guys were to have a baby together, that's someone she could consider a cousin and someone she can play with!" "Woah. Slow down."I said. "No offense to you guys, but I want a ring and to be married before I get pregnant." I said looking at Jonathan. "I know." Jonathan said. "So, will you guys?" Eddie asked. "Will we what?" I asked. "Be her godparents." Eddie said. I looked at Jonathan and he looked at me. "I think we need to talk about it and think about it before we answer that honestly." I said. "Yeah. It's not that we don't want to, it's just a big responsibility." Jonathan said. "We'll have to talk about it and then let you guys know." "Yeah. We would be honored, but it's just a lot to think about." I said. "It's okay. Just let us know and if you guys don't want to, we'll be okay with it." Ariana said. When we left the hospital, we went back to Jonathan's house. We were all alone but after about a minute his brother Will walked in. "Hey. Are you going to be here long?" Jonathan asked him. "Yeah?" Will answered asked. "I'm home for the night." "Oh, okay." Jonathan said. "Aren't you going to introduce me?" Will asked Jonathan, nodding towards me. "Oh. Yeah. Sorry." Jonathan said to him. "This is Will, my brother. Will, this is Delilah, my girlfriend." Jonathan said. "Nice to meet you." I said to Will. "You too." He said before running off to his room. "Well, I guess we're not going to be alone tonight." Jonathan said. "It's fine. He's adorable." I said. "Yeah but maybe I wanted us to be alone so we could have some fun." Jonathan said, resting his hands on my hips. "Maybe when he goes to bed?" I asked. "Maybe." Jonathan said, kissing me. Later on, we were in his room when Jonathan decided to go check on Will because he was quiet for a while. "He's asleep." Jonathan said, smiling as he walked back into his room and quietly closed and locked the door. I smiled back at him and we started to make out. We lied down on his bed, with him ontop of me. He started to kiss down my neck, when we heard Will scream. "Damn it, Will!" Jonathan said as he got up. "I'll be right back. It's just a nightmare." Jonathan said as he walked to Will's room down the hall. While Jonathan was gone, I didn't snoop through his room, but I kind of just glanced around his room and I noticed a poster for Evil Dead on his wall and I noticed a mirror, so I decided to fix my hair real quick. By the time Jonathan came back, the mood was over. "Sorry for being gone for a while." Jonathan said when he came back. "I had to sing "Should I Stay or Should I Go?" to him to get him to go back to sleep." "It's okay. That's sweet." I said with a small smile.

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