*Chapter 19-Bitch Slapped*

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The next day, Jonathan actually came in to Scoops Ahoy. "Hi..." I said softly. "Hey..." Jonathan said with a small smile. "You look really cute in your work uniform." Jonathan said. "Thanks." I said, softly. "So, how's it going so far?" Jonathan asked me. "Okay, so far. Steve is being a pretty good trainer." I said. "Well, I just came down here to apologize to you." Jonathan said. "Okay. It's okay. I forgive you." I said. "I'm sorry, too." I said as I walked out from behind the counter to give him a hug and he hugged me back tightly. "I would kiss you but I'm at work." I said. "It's okay." Jonathan said with a small smile. "I'll let you get back to it." Jonathan said, letting go of me. "Okay. I love you." I said. "I love you, too." Jonathan said as he left. When I got home, Nancy Wheeler was sitting outside my house. "Nancy?" I asked. "Hey." Nancy said. "What are you doing here?" I asked her. "I need to tell you something...Jonathan and I slept together for the whole 2 months that you were in that coma." Nancy said. "You WHAT?!" I asked, yelling. "He needed some comfort because of you and he turned to me for that comfort and for some support and we ended up having sex and we continued having sex for the entire 2 months." Nancy said. "Leave!" I said. "I'm sorry but you needed to know that." Nancy said. "LEAVE NOW!" I said as I slapped her. Nancy looked kind of shocked that I slapped her. "Leave!" I said. "I'm sorry but I thought that you just needed to know." She said as she left. I walked in my house and went straight to my room and I called Jonathan. "Hello?" Jonathan asked. "ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" I yelled. "Woah! What are you talking about?!" Jonathan asked. "I'M TALKING ABOUT YOU AND NANCY HAVING FUCKING SEX TOGETHER WHEN I WAS IN MY COMA!" I said. "WHAT?!" Jonathan asked. "YOU HEARD ME!" I yelled back. "I HAVEN'T SLEPT WITH HER! I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU'RE FUCKING TALKING ABOUT!" Jonathan said. "NANCY TOLD ME THAT YOU AND HER SLEPT TOGETHER! HOW COULD YOU?! I FUCKING TRUSTED YOU BEING AROUND HER!" I yelled as I started crying. "WHAT?! YOU HAVE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME! I WAS IN YOUR HOSPITAL ROOM WITH YOU EVERY FUCKING DAY! I WAS IN THERE EVERY DAY UNTIL VISITING HOURS WERE OVER AND EVEN THEN, I DIDN'T FUCKING LEAVE YOUR SIDE UNTIL HOSPITAL SECURITY MADE ME FUCKING LEAVE!" Jonathan yelled back to me. I just kept crying. "How come you don't believe me?" Jonathan asked me. "Because why would she lie about that?" I asked him. "Because she doesn't like you, just like you don't like her." Jonathan said. "Please believe me, baby.... I love you. I would NEVER do that to you!" I just kept crying and I hung up and I ended up crying myself to sleep that night because I just didn't know who or what to believe. The next day, I called Ariana and explained everything to her. "Yeah, no." Ariana said. "Jonathan was literally in there with you everyday. From the beginning of visiting hours to the end of visiting hours.... He even stayed the night in there with you a few times." Ariana said. "That is the honest truth. You're my best friend, not him. So, if he were to cheat on you, there is no way in hell that I would EVER cover for him. So, call him and make up. I love you guys together. You both make each other so happy even though he's a loser burnout and you're kind of a bitch, I can tell you make each other very happy. It's like you two belong together." Ariana said. So, we hung up and I called Jonathan and we talked everything out and we ended up apologizing to each other and we made up.

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