*Chapter 10-Almost First*

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"ARIANA!" I said when I finally found her in the girl's room. "What?" She asked me. "Why didn't you tell Eddie that you're pregnant?!" I asked. "I did." She retorted. "No, you didn't because I just did!" I said. "WHAT?! WHY WOULD YOU TELL HIM THAT?!" She asked me. "Because I thought you told him like you said you would!" I yelled back to her. "Well, I got scared." Ariana said. "Well he knows now and he wants you to meet him in his van so that you two can talk about it." I said. Ariana sighed and walked out and I followed her to make sure she went out to find Eddie and when she climbed in the back of his van, I went back through the parking lot to get back into the school. As I walking, someone came up from behind me and hugged me tightly. It kind of startled me so I turned around to see who it was. "Hey." He said when I turned around. It was Jonathan. "Don't scare me like that!" I said with a smile. "Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you, babe." Jonathan said."It's okay. Just be careful with scaring me." I said. Then, I kissed him and he kissed me back and I saw a flash of light through my closed eyes. "Gotcha!" I heard. I opened my eyes and I saw Alice standing there with a poloroid camera! "Now, I have proof that you're dating that freak weirdo!" Alice said. "Jonathan is not a freak!" I said. "Well you would think that way!" Alice said. "I'd rather everybody know that I'm dating him rather than be known as the town slut like you." I said. Alice just laughed and walked away, waving the picture. "You know that I don't think you're a freak, right?" I asked, hugging him tightly. "I know." Jonathan said as he placed a kiss on my forehead. I smiled and hugged him even tighter. We walked into the school together with our arms around each other and of course people were staring and whispering but that was to be expected, thanks to Alice. Then, I saw Ariana and Eddie walking the halls with their arms around each other a couple of hours later so I guess everything turned out okay for them. Later on that day, I was at Jonathan's house with him and we were in his room, listening to music. We were listening to "Talk Dirty To Me" by Poison when we had started to make out and Jonathan pulled me onto his lap as we continued making out. Then, he started kissing down my neck. I moaned softly. Then, Jonathan lied me down on to his bed and he crawled on top of me as he continued to kiss down my neck. I started to moan even more as I felt his dick through his jeans push against me in my jeans and then Jonathan took off his shirt and then started to take off mine. "Wait, Jonathan..." I said, stopping him. "I'm sorry... I'm not ready for us to go this far." Jonathan sighed. "It's okay..." He said. He then lied down on his bed lying next to me. "I'm sorry." I said rolling over to face him. "You're okay." Jonathan said as he pushed a couple of strands of hair behind my ear and kissing my forehead. Then, Jonathan was just staring at me for a minute. "What?" I asked. "Nothing... I just can't believe that you're my girlfriend!" Jonathan said. "Me neither." I said. "I hope you don't think I'm crazy for this, but I think I love you already...." Jonathan said to me. "Really?" I asked. Jonathan nodded. "I feel the same way..." I said. "Really?!" Jonathan asked me. "Yeah...." I said while blushing. Jonathan pushed another piece of hair behind my ear and we made out for a few more minutes before I left his house. The next day at school, Jonathan and I made out in my car before 1st period and I let him get his hands under my shirt and rest them on my bra as we made out. We ended up doing this everyday before school and sometimes even during lunch. Sometimes it would be my car and sometimes it was his.

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