*Chapter 20-Moving*

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The following day, I watched Zoey while Jonathan helped Eddie and Ariana move into their own place. Zoey was such a good baby! I loved watching her. She was also such a cuddly baby! I cuddled her, I fed her, changed her and played with her and I loved every minute of it. It made me want my own baby but I didn't think that Jonathan and I were really ready for that....but I still wanted one. Later that day, Ariana called me and asked if I would mind keeping Zoey overnight because her and Eddie were so exhausted from moving and I immediately agreed! Eddie ended up bringing me over a few more diapers, a couple of more outfits and her cradle for her to sleep in. I loved rocking her to sleep. The next day, Eddie and Ariana came over to get Zoey and then, Jonathan and I went out looking for our own place. We applied for a few apartments and a few days later, we got the call that we got one of those ones that we applied for! I was so excited! I was able to get some boxes from work for Jonathan and I to pack our things into. We moved in about 3 weeks later. "I can't believe that we did this!" Jonathan said to me on our first night there. "I know." I said, smiling. "It's crazy, but I'm happy that we're doing this. I feel so happy with you!" "Really?!" Jonathan asked me. "Of course!" I said as I kissed him and he kissed me back. Our kiss turned into a make out session. I then crawled on top of him as we kept making out. Then, Jonathan slowly started to undress me and I helped undress him. Jonathan started to kiss down my neck and I moaned softly as he did. Jonathan lied me back down on to the bed and he kissed me as he slowly pushed himself into me and he felt so amazing! It was like, getting our own place made it so much better! Maybe, because we didn't have to worry about being caught or worry about Will having a nightmare. It was just us in that moment and in that moment, it felt right. Like, he was the one I was meant to be with for the rest of my life! After we finished, we lied there together while Jonathan spooned me all night and I was so happy at that exact moment and time and I didn't want it to ever end. I was so in love with him and I decided that I really did want to marry him one day.  

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