*Chapter 4-Hang Out*

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The next morning at school, Jonathan, came up to me when I was at my locker. "Hey." Jonathan said. "Go away!" I whispered shouted to him. "I just wanted to know why you left last night without us getting any work done." Jonathan said. "Because you made it awkward!" I said, slamming my locker shut and walking away. "Why were you talking to Jonathan Byers?" Alice asked as she walked up to me. "It was just about our project." I said. "It better have been." Alice said. I just walked away from her, hoping that nobody else saw me talking to him. "Hey! Eddie has a band and they're playing at the House of Blues tonight and I was just wondering if you would go with me so that I don't have to go alone." Ariana said, walking up to me. "I can't ask Alice to go with me. She'll just call Eddie a freak and then say I can't like him and all of this and that stuff." "Uh...Sure. Why not?" I asked. So, we went and guess who was there? Jonathan. "What are you doing here?" I asked Jonathan as I walked up to him. "Are you stalking me?" "Eddie asked me to take pictures of him and his band." Jonathan said. "Oh." I said. "So this may be a long shot but, would you like to maybe go to the game with me tomorrow night?" Jonathan asked. "Well, I'm a cheerleader and so I'm already going because it's mandatory for me." I said. "Oh...Right." Jonathan said. "Maybe we can do something tomorrow night afterwards?" I suggested. "What the hell did I just say?!" I asked myself. "Really?" Jonathan asked me. "I mean, I guess..." I said. I was hoping that if I maybe hung out with him for just one night, that had nothing to do with our project, that he would leave me alone. "Okay! Great!" Jonathan said. The next night at the game, Jonathan got there and he smiled and waved when he saw me and I just ignored him. After the game, I met up with Jonathan behind the school where nobody could see us and where no surveillance cameras were and we talked about what we should do. "We could hang out at my place." Jonathan said. "And do what?" I asked him. "Smoke." Jonathan said. "Uh, no thanks." I said. "We could go see a movie, maybe?" Jonathan suggested. "Sure." I said. "But it needs to be in a different town." I said. So, Jonathan and I went to the movies in the next town over and saw "Top Gun", only because I had a crush on Tom Cruise. Jonathan kept trying to hold my hand and I just kept pushing it away. He really wasn't giving up on me. We actually had a really good time, besides that. I was surprised. After the movie, Jonathan walked me to my car. "You know, I had a really nice time tonight with you." I said to Jonathan. "So did I." Jonathan said back to me. "Sorry about trying to hold your hand...I just really like you a lot and this may be another long shot, but would you maybe go to prom with me?" Jonathan asked me. "If you don't already have a date that is." "No. Actually, I don't have a date yet, so....Maybe....But, you're picking me up and we're going to my cousin's prom at her school that is in the next town over. That's the only way that I'm going with you." I said. Jonathan sighed. "Alright." Jonathan said. "I know people are going to think that we're together if we go at our school and I don't want them thinking that. I'm sorry." I told him. "It's okay." Jonathan said with a small smile. "I'm just glad that you agreed to go with me." Then, Jonathan leaned in to kiss me again and I had to stop him by pressing my index finger against his lips. "Sorry." Jonathan said. "It's okay." I told him with a small smile as I removed my finger. Then, I got in my car and I left. I couldn't help but keep thinking about him...Like, should I let him kiss me? What if anybody at school found out?! I would never be able to live it down! Part of me wants to let him kiss me and I'm not sure why and now I'm going to prom with him?! Why did I even agree to go with him?! Was I starting to develop a crush on him?! I mean, he's a nice guy and all and he is even just a little bit cute but I could never be with him due to the damage that it would cause my reputation!

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