*Chapter 18-Work*

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The next day, Jonathan and I went over to Eddie's place to tell them that we would be Zoey's godparents. Jonathan knocked on the door and when Eddie answered, he was holding Zoey. "Hey, guys!" Eddie said. "Hey." We said as we walked in. "What's up?" Ariana asked when she saw us. "Well...." Jonathan started. "We decided that we will be Zoey's godparents." "If you guys are still okay with that..." I said. "Of course!" Eddie said. "We couldn't think of anybody better!" Ariana said. "I think that you'll be great parents!" Eddie said to us. I smiled at Jonathan when Eddie said that and Jonathan smiled back at me. "Also, Ariana and I are moving out of here in a few weeks! We got our own place!" Eddie said. "Really?" I asked. "Yeah...I got a job at the video store and Eddie got a job at a guitar store so we've been saving our money and now we're moving out and so I'm excited." Ariana said. "Yeah, well Delilah is going to get a job and I'm going to put more hours in at the paper and we're getting a place together." Jonathan said. "Oh, really?" Eddie asked. "Yeah." I said as I smiled up at Jonathan since that he was a bit taller than me. When we left their place, I went to the Starcourt Mall to look for a job. I ended up getting hired at Scoops Ahoy with Steve and Robin! When I found out that I got the job, I called Jonathan just to tell him the news. "Oh..." Jonathan said. "What?" I asked. "I thought that you would be happy for me?" I asked. "I don't like the idea of you and Steve working together." Jonathan said. "Well, I don't like the fact that you work with Nancy, but do I ever mention it?!" I asked. "So what? You don't trust me just because I happen to be working with her?" Jonathan asked. "Well, you obviously don't trust me working with Steve." I said. Jonathan sighed. "I do trust you! I don't trust him though." "Well, I don't trust Nancy knowing that you and her work very closely together all day, every day, 5 days a week in a row! But, you know what? I'm trying to be okay with it!" I said. Jonathan sighed. "You know what, whatever. I'm sorry that you don't trust me. I'm done with this conversation." I said. Then, I hung up. I half expected him to call me back, but he didn't. I went to sleep that night, a little bit depressed because of our argument. I was so upset that he didn't trust me, then I realized that he was upset that I didn't trust him either. I thought I did but then I realized that deep down, maybe I didn't.. Or maybe it was just Nancy that I didn't trust. The next day, was my first day at the job. "Hey, you okay?" Steve asked me. He was training me and he kind of realized that I wasn't really paying attention to him. "Eh...No. Jonathan and I kind of had an arguement." I said. "Oh...Sorry." Steve said. I sighed. "Let's just get back to the training." I said and I just decided to push the thought out of my head and focus on the training that Steve was doing that day.

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