*Chapter 7-Pregnancy*

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I ended up meeting my friends for pizza and the whole time there, I couldn't stop thinking about Jonathan. Then, I realized that I'd rather be with him than them! So, I dug 50 cents out of my purse and used the payphone to call him. "Hello?" I heard a little boy's voice that I didn't recognize say. "Is Jonathan there?" I asked. "Yeah. Hold on." He said. Then, Jonathan got on the phone. "Hey..."He said. "I wasn't expecting you to call me until a little later." "Yeah... I just thought that I would call you now unless this is a bad time." I said. "No. It's fine." He said. "Who was the little boy that answered the phone?" I asked. "My brother, Will. AKA Zombie Boy." Jonathan said. "Oh. Right. I forgot that you have a brother." I said. "It's loud. Where are you?" Jonathan asked me. "Came to get pizza with the other cheerleaders but quickly realized that I'd rather be with you." I said. "Really?!" Jonathan asked. "Yeah." I said. "Are you still hungry? Like,did you eat yet?" Jonathan asked me. "No." I said. "Well, how about you go home and get ready and I'll pick you about 7 and we'll have our dinner date tonight?" Jonathan asked. "Okay!!" I said. "I'll go now." Then, I hung up and I turned around to see Ariana standing there. "Come with me to the bathroom, please." Ariana said. So, I followed her. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "Don't be mad, but I think I'm pregnant." She said. "Dude... Please tell me that you're kidding." I said. "I'm not kidding." She said. "Well have you taken a test?" I asked her. "No. I'm scared to." She said. "Wait, if you're pregnant, then who's the father?!" I asked her. "I'd rather not say...." Ariana said. "Why? Is it Jonathan or Steve or Billy or Eddie?!" I asked her. "First of all, Jonathan? Ew. Second of all, I would never sleep with Steve knowing that you already did, Third, Billy is my ex-boyfriend and even though he's hot, it's not him." Ariana said. "First of all, Jonathan is not ew and second of all, why didn't you say anything about Eddie?" I asked her. "You've spent all of high school saying that Jonathan is ew so why are you now saying he's not?" Ariana asked. "I asked you about Eddie first." I said. Ariana sighed. "If I am pregnant, then Eddie would be the father." "WHAT?! SERIOUSLY?! YOU BARELY KNOW HIM!" I said. "I know but we we're hanging out and getting high and we ended up making out and then we ended up having sex." Ariana said. "Wow. Just wow." I told her. "Look, I have to go but since tomorrow is Saturday and there's no school, I'll buy you a test and you can come take it at my house if you want. Okay?" I told her. "Okay..." She said. "But don't tell anyone." She said. "Okay." I said and then I left to go home and get ready. I only had an hour and a half to drive home and get ready. Luckily, I only lived about 5 minutes away from the restaurant. So, I took a quick shower, got dressed, touched up my makeup and waited for Jonathan. I was actually kind of excited about our date!

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