*Chapter 2-Project Time*

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When I got to Jonathan's house, I quickly walked in when he opened the door before anybody could see me there. "Eager much?" Jonathan asked, laughing. "...Sure." I said. The truth was,was that if anybody had seen me walking into Jonathan's house, I would be totally humiliated and ruined! "Well, I was thinking about doing our project on Little Rock Nine. What do you think?" He asked me. "Why?" I asked. "Because we have to do our report on something big and important that happened between 1950 and 1960?" Jonathan said, questiongly. "Oh..." I said. "You weren't even listening when Ms. Aurora was explaing the project, were you?" Jonathan asked. "Honestly, no. Not really." I said, a little annoyed. "Are you okay?" Jonathan had asked me. "Look, I know that you like me, and that our brothers are friends and all but, I don't feel that way about you at all." I told him. "So, let's just get this over with." "I know. But I also know that you wouldn't even give me the time of day if I asked you and we weren't working on this together." Jonathan said. I did feel a little bad after that. "Look, Jonathan...I'm sorry. I know that I've been kind of a bitch to you but I hope you know that it's nothing personal." I said. "I know. It's just your reputation. Plus, because of Steve." Jonathan said. "Steve?" I asked. "Steve Harrington? We only dated for like 4 months back in sophmore year. We only had sex like two or three times. He has nothing to do with this." I said. "We're not even together anymore." Jonathan then opened up a book and started reading it. I just sighed and did the same. It was a pretty long, quiet and awkward afternoon. The next day at school, I was in the locker room, getting ready for the pep rally and my friend, Ariana came up to me. "I heard that you got paired up with Will Byers's brother in Ms. Aurora's class." She said. "Ugh. Don't remind me." I said. "You know he likes you, right?" She asked me, laughing. "Oh, My God! I know but he knows that I don't feel the same way." I had said back to her. "Who did you get paired up with?" "Eddie Munson!" She said, happily. "Ugh. I don't know who would be a worse partner between the two of them." I said. "Hey! Eddie's not that bad. Plus, he's cute." Ariana said. "Then date him." I said. "You're always complaining about being single." "Well, I would but I have a reputation to uphold. If I were to date him, It would be social suicide!" She said. I just rolled my eyes. "Well, it is!" Ariana said. "I'm a cheerleader and he's a part of that Hellfire Club, cult thing." She said. " Well whatever. Let's get out there." I said. When we got out there, I saw Jonathan in the bleachers and he literally waved and then smiled at me. What. The. Hell.

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