*Chapter 16-Meeting*

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The next night, I went over to Jonathan's house for dinner so I could meet his mom which I was a little nervous about to be honest with. I wore my hair down and I wore a light pink dress and a pair of white heels. I think I looked pretty nice. I was so nervous my whole drive there. But when I got there, confidence kind of took over as I walked up his driveway after parking my car and getting out of it. I knocked on the door and Will answered. "Jonathan! Your girlfriend is here!" Will said as he stepped aside to let me walk in. "Hey. Wow. You look great!" Jonathan said to me as he led me to the dining room. "Mom is getting the last of it ready, she'll be out in a minute." Jonathan said as we sat down at the table. After about a minute of an awkward silence between Jonathan, Will and I, their mom, came out into the dining room and sat down with us. "Hi. Jonathan said your name is Delilah, right?" She asked me. "Yes." I said with a smile. Dinner went smoothly and I really liked his mom and I think she approved of me as well. After dinner, Jonathan walked me out to my car. "I think she liked you." Jonathan said. "Really?" I asked. "That's great!" I said. "You know you didn't have to get all dolled up, baby." Jonathan said to me. "Well, I wanted to make a good first impression." I said. "You would. No matter what you wear." Jonathan said to me. I smiled and kissed him and he kissed me back. "Call me when you get home so I know you made it home safely. Okay?" Jonathan asked me. "Okay. Will do." I said. "Okay...I love you." Jonathan said. "I love you, too." I said. Then we kissed again and I got in my car to drive home. When I got home, I called Jonathan to let him know that I was home safely. I then wiped off my make up, took a shower and went to bed with a smile on my face. The next day, Jonathan called me. "Hey. I forgot to ask you yesterday, but there is a carnival coming to Hawkins...Do you want to go?" Jonathan asked me. "Sure! I would love to go!" I said. "When did you wanna go?" "Well, it's not for a few more days so, sometime then." Jonathan said. "Oh. Well, just let me know." I said. "Okay, babe." Jonathan said.  A few days later, Jonathan came and picked me up for the carnival and he had Will with him. "Oh, hi Will." I said as I got in the car. "Don't worry. He's just going there with us. He's going to be meeting up with Mike and you and I will go our own way." Jonathan whispered to me. "Oh, it's okay." I whispered back to him. When we got there, we ended up helping Will find Mike instead of letting him go off on his own. When Will found Mike, we went off separately. "What do you want to do frist?" Jonathan asked me. "Uh, I don't know. The ferris wheel?" I suggested. "Okay." Jonathan said as we started heading that way.  We had a fun day. After we left, Will ended up spending the night with Mike and so Jonathan took me back to his house and we had sex again since we didn't get to the other night.

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