*Chapter 9-Accidental Reveal*

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The next morning, Ariana came over to my house and we ran to the drugstore to get her a pregnancy test. "I'm so scared." Ariana said. "It's okay. Everything's going to be fine." I told her. So, Ariana took the test and she came back out a few minutes later and handed me both the test and the box. "You tell me... I'm too scared to look." She told me. So I looked for her. "Ariana....."I said, softly. "It's positive." I told her. "NO! IT CAN'T BE!" Ariana exclaimed, taking both of them from me so she could see for herself. Ariana started crying. "It's okay." I told her. "We'll figure something out. We're graduating in like 2 months so hopefully, by the time we graduate, you won't have to worry about seeing anybody from school." I told her. "But, I'm going to be in so much trouble and what about Eddie?!"She asked while still crying. "You're just going to have to tell them. I don't know how your parents or Eddie will react but I can say that if you're worried about Eddie leaving you, don't because he wouldn't. Even though I don't personally know him all that well, he doesn't seem like the type of guy that would do that." I said. Ariana sighed. "I just don't know what to do." She said, looking at the test again. "Well listen, I know you're freaking out and I know that you're scared right now but I need to tell you something before Alice tells you because she's going to tell everybody on Monday and I think you need to hear it from me." I said. "What is it?" She asked me, still looking at the test. "I have a boyfriend." I said. "Cool. Who is it?" Ariana asked looking over at me. "Jonathan Byers." I said. Ariana's jaw dropped and she looked over at me. "Really?! Jonathan Byers?!" Ariana asked me. "Really? Eddie Munson?!" I asked her. "Good point." Ariana said. "Once you get to know him, he's really sweet and I like him a lot. When we go out on dates, he's a perfect gentleman, he's a good kisser and I just love being around him!" I said. "It sounds like you love him!" She said. "And do you love Eddie?" I asked her. "I don't know. Maybe. I haven't thought about it." Ariana said. "Well, I know he's going to love that baby." I said. "You really think so?" Ariana asked me. "I know so." I told her. "Oh, Alice is going to flip when she finds out about me!" Ariana said."No, because she's not going to know. There ain't anybody at school who needs to know, besides Eddie. Alright?" I said to her. "Okay." She said. "Are you and Eddie even a couple?" I asked. "I don't know. We go out and do stuff together and we make out and now, we're having a baby together so I would like to be a couple." Ariana said. "Well, go home and tell your parents and tell Eddie!" I said. "Okay fine!" Ariana said. That Monday morning, I saw Eddie at his locker so I walked up to him. "Hey, Eddie." I said to him. "Hey...It's Daisy, right?" Eddie asked me. "Delilah." I said. "Oh. Sorry. What's up?" Eddie asked. "Are you okay? Like with Ariana being pregnant?" I asked. "Wait, what?!" Eddie asked. "What?" I asked him. "D-Did you say that Ariana is pregnant?!" Eddie asked. "Yeah...." I said softly. "I'm sorry! I thought she told you!" "What if it's not mine and that's why she didn't tell me?!" Eddie asked. "No. She's 100% positive that it's your baby." I said. Eddie looked kinda shocked. "Can you find Ariana and have her meet me in my van so we can talk?" Eddie asked me. "Of course." I said. Then, Eddie walked away and I walked in the other direction to find Ariana.

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