*Chapter 14-Coma*

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I woke up in the hospital. I was so scared and confused and my head hurt like hell. Then, I noticed Eddie Munson sitting in the chair in my room. "Ed-Eddie.??" I said. "Oh, hey. You're awake!" Eddie said. "What ha-happened and wh-where am I?!" I asked. "You were doing a cheer routine and they dropped you on your head. You've been in a coma for 2 months!" Eddie said "WHAT?!" I screamed, sitting up. "Yeah..." Eddie said. "So...I mi-missed graduation?" I asked, softly. "Yeah...Sorry." Eddie said. "But I told everyone that '86 was my year!" Eddie said, happily. "You came t-to see me?" I asked. "Yeah, Ariana asked me to come with her. She went to the cafeteria to get something to eat because apparently, I brought her back the wrong food so she went to go get it herself." Eddie said. "Has Jonathan or m-my mom or Dustin be-been here?" I asked. "I haven't seen them so I don't know." Eddie said. Then, Ariana came back. "DELILAH! YOU'RE AWAKE!" She yelled, now with a little bit of a baby bump showing. "Hey..." I said. "I'm so glad that you're awake!" Ariana said. "Yeah, they were about to pull the plug on you." Eddie said. "WHAT?!" I yelled, scared. Then, Ariana slapped him on the shoulder. "Don't say that. He was just joking." She said. I looked at Eddie. "Yeah, I was only joking." Eddie said. "Promise." Then, Jonathan walked in. "JONATHAN!" I yelled. He ran right over to me and gave me a huge hug. "We'll give you a guys a minute alone." Ariana said. Then, her and Eddie walked out. "I'm so glad that you're okay!" Jonathan whispered into my ear. "I thought I lost you forever!" Jonathan said. He sounded like he was crying. "It's o-okay." I whispered. "How long have you been awake?" Jonathan asked me, pulling away. "A cou-couple of minutes." I said. Then, Jonathan kissed me. "Eddie sai-said that I've been in a-a coma for tw-two months?" I asked. "Yeah..." Jonathan said with tears in his eyes as he was playing with my hair. "Wh-Why am I stutt-stuttering?" I asked. "The doctors told us that with the way your head hit, you might develop one." Jonathan said. "I hope it does-doesn't last forever." I said. "How wa-was graduation?" I asked. "I don't know. I didn't go." Jonathan said. "You did-didn't?" I asked. "No. You weren't going to be there. I spent graduation in here with you. I've been here all day, everyday, waiting for you to wake up." Jonathan said. "Re-Really?" I asked. "Of course. You're more important to me than all those other people." Jonathan said. "I just went to the school and picked up my diploma. Yours too." Jonathan said. "You d-did?" I asked. "Of course." Jonathan said. "I also bought you something for when you woke up." Jonathan said. "What i-is it?" I asked him. Then, Jonathan pulled a small ring out of his pocket. "It's a promise ring." Jonathan said. "Wh-What are you promising m-me?" I asked. "That I love you and that one day, I will marry you." Jonathan said. I smiled and he put it on me. Then, he and I kissed.

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