*Chapter 12-Accidental Reveal 2*

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When we got back to school, everyone was out in the hallways walking to their next class so it made it easier for Jonathan and I to slip back into school. Jonathan walked me to my next class which was my last class of the day. "I love you." He said to me. "I love you, too." I told him back then we kissed and I walked into class. When I sat down, Ariana passed me a note asking why I wasn't in our previous class since I had her in that class, too. So, I passed her the note back, explaining what happened between Jonathan and me and I watched her read it and her eyes got really huge as she read it. She looked at me and had her jaw dropped. She couldn't believe it! "What if you're pregnant like me and then our kids can play together?!" She whispered shouted to me. I froze. I completely forgot about Ariana being pregnant and I totally didn't even think about asking Jonatahan if he had any condoms and he didn't say anything about it either. "Fuck! I forgot about you being pregnant!" I whispered shouted to her. "Did you at least use a condom unlike me and Eddie?" Ariana asked me. "No....." I said, softly. "Fuck! I'm so stupid!" "Uh...Hello?" Ariana said pointing to her not noticeable yet baby bump. "Right...Sorry. No offense. I should have remembered about you..." I said. "Yeah..." Ariana said. I was freaking out about it the rest of the day and I decided that I wasn't going to worry Jonathan about it unless I knew for a fact that I was pregnant. After school, Jonathan was waiting for me by my car. "Hey, we need to talk." Jonathan said. "Are you breaking up with me?!" I asked him. "No! But we do need to talk about something." Jonathan said. "Okay..." I said softly as we got in my car. "We didn't use a condom...." Jonathan said. "I know..." I told him. "I thought about that, too." I said. Jonathan sighed. "We need to talk about our options...We can do abortion, we can do adoption, or, we can keep the baby." Jonathan said looking at me. "Maybe we should just wait and see. I don't think we need to talk about this until we know for sure if I'm really pregnant or not." I said. "I know but just in case, those are our options and I'll be okay with whatever you choose." Jonathan said, holding my hand. "We're so stupid for not using a condom and I definitely should have thought about asking you if you have any when I know about Ariana being pregnant!" I said. "Ariana? Ariana Geller?!" Jonathan asked. "Ye-yeah...." I said. "She's pregnant?!" Jonathan asked me. "Yeah... It's Eddie's baby. Eddie Munson." I said. "Seriously?!" Jonathan asked me. "Yeah..." I said. "Don't say anything because I promised her that I wouldn't say a thing. It slipped out!" "It's okay. I won't say anything." Jonathan said as he squeezed my hand tightly and he kissed my forehead. "We'll just wait and see what happens and if you're not pregnant, great. But if you are, we'll get through it and decide what to do then." Jonathan said. "I love you and I love babies, but I hope I'm not pregnant because we can't handle that right now." I said. "Yeah. We can talk about babies after I put a ring on that finger." Jonathan said with a small smile. "You wanna put a ring on me?" I asked with a small smile. "Maybe one day..." Jonathan said as he kissed me. I couldn't help but smile after he said that. I could never imagine marrying Jonathan but now, I would love to!

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