Chapter 2

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A/N: Uploading chapter 2! I won't bother you a lot, but if you think that changing P.O.V's all the time is confusing, let me know what you dislike about it and I'll try making it all better. Follow/Fan me. :)

Niall's P.O.V.

"I'm hungry!" I shouted as I stared into the fridge.  

"Well, eat then!" Harry shouted from the living room. Well, that would be heaven right? But no, there was absolutely nothing in the fridge. Seriously, NOTHING!

"There's no food in the fridge!" I shouted again.  

"Well, look again, I saw food there yesterday!" he shouted back. Yesterday?! That was ages ago, I eat all the time and it's not my fault, I'm still growing. They seriously don't expect that there will be food left from yesterday, do they?

"LIAM, THERE'S NO FOOD LEFT!" I got frustrated and closed the fridge.  

"Why are you screaming? And I saw plenty of food in the fridge yesterday." He said, frowning while walking into the kitchen. How many times do I need to tell them that I need to eat often? "But that was YESTERDAY, today is today, and I have not eaten breakfast yet!"

"None of us have, but we're not screaming" he answered calmly.  

"Well, that's because Zayn is still sleeping, Louis went out to meet Eleanor, Harry is watching TV and you're being mature" I answered him grumpily. He sighed and ran his hand through his hair. It had grown out again, and the fans loved it.

"Why don't you go and buy breakfast to us?" I asked him and made a puppy face.  

"I did it last time, and it's someone else's turn now" he answered. I don't want to ask Harry because he would take too much time to get ready and I don't want to wake up Zayn because he'll get grumpy and be in a bad mood all day.

"Fine, I'll go." I slumped with my shoulders and walked out of the kitchen. I went to Harry's room to change my clothes. I grabbed a pair of jeans, a hoodie and some sunglasses.

It was springtime here in London and our break had just started, thank God. Don't take me wrong, I love my fans, the concerts and the interviews, but sometimes you needed a break to just relax and meet up with the family. We do have separate flats, though we lads are so used to be together that it'll be lonely if we were separated.

I walked out of Louis' and Harry's flat in a bad mood and I hoped that no one would notice me. I loved my fans, but sometimes they could get annoying. I thought of going to Starbucks, but then I saw this small coffee shop that seemed much cozier and I saved a lot of time so I walked over the road and saw some customers, but not too many. There were two girls in there and one of them went away when I was in going in. The other girl looked up when I came in and she observed me very closely. I hoped that she wasn't a fan though she was really stunning. She had dark brown hair and blue-green eyes. She smiled at me and I smiled back. I couldn't help to notice her shy smile. It was cute and I felt myself comfortable under her sight. It didn't seem like she recognized me and I walked to the desk.

"Good morning" she greeted me. "Morning, love" I answered and she blushed immediately. Cute, I thought for myself. I ordered and she seemed a little surprised that I was ordering all that, but you can't stop an Irish leprechaun from his food.

We talked a little and there was something about her that was interesting, I don't know what though. I asked for her name.  

"Jessica, though my friends just say Jess or Jessie, what about you?" she answered. 

"Ni..-James" I nearly said my name and I didn't want to get recognized, so I just said my middle name and got quite a panic attack for a moment, but I calmed down pretty fast. She raised her eyebrow but didn't comment.

Then she started to get my things and her other colleague came back to help her. I stared at her when she worked and there was something fascinating about her. When she was working, she had a little frown between her eyebrows and when she talked to the other girl, she laughed a couple of times, though it didn't seem as a real laugh. Her hair was to mid waist and she seemed so distanced when she worked, I thought after staring at her for a while. But in a way, she seemed so natural and it felt good to talk to a girl that didn't talk to me just because I was famous. Not that we talked a lot, but still.

"Do I know you?" my eyes had been glued at Jessie and I didn't really notice the other girl until she asked me. Please don't recognize me, please. I just shook my head and hurried away. I looked at Jessie again, she looked up and blushed. I then smiled and waved my hand.

When I came back to the flat, I went to the kitchen and put our breakfast at the table. Zayn was awake now and all of the lads were sitting in the living room and watching TV.

"Food is ready!" I screamed and I couldn't wait for them so I started eating. Wow, it tasted good. The lads came into the kitchen and started digging in the food.

"So, what are we going to do today?" Zayn asked. I shrugged and looked at Liam. I surprised myself when I started to wonder what Jessie might do. Did she think about me, or was I just another customer?  

"No idea, it's our free time, so I'm going to meet up with Danielle later," he said and his eyes got all dreamy. Still in love I see... 

"He's gonna get some," Harry commented as Liam shot him a glare as we all burst out laughing.

It was evening and I haven't done anything for the whole day because the lads where still out and I had nothing to do. Liam had gone out with Danielle, Louis was STILL out with Eleanor, Zayn with Perrie and Harry was meeting some old friends in town. I sighed and started to think about Jessie. Even though I just met her, I wanted to know more about her and hang out. I just didn't know why I thought of her and that made me confused.

Jessica's P.O.V

It was evening and Al was blasting music from her room. I sighed, walked out of my room and into hers. "COULD YOU PLEASE TURN DOWN THE MUSIC?" I shouted. She was jumping at her bed and dancing. God, that girl had a lot of energy. She smiled at me and I rolled my eyes. Then she walked down from her bed and shut the music off.  

"Hey, do you want to join?" she asked me.

"No, thank you, I have homework to do. How come you don't ever study?" I asked her curiously. She rolled her eyes.  

"I do study, though I usually do it in the library after my classes and when you're working."  

"Huh, well, if you don't mind, would you turn the music down, because I really have to do my homework."  

"SIR, YES SIR!" I shook her head and laughed at her. I walked into my room and did my homework. When I was done, I looked at the watch and saw that it was pretty late, so I told Al goodnight and went to sleep.


"You know if you just listened and obeyed us that day, I wouldn't have to need to come after you and I would still be alive" my dad said with dark and bloodshot eyes.

"I'm sorry" I whispered and I could feel my tears sting in my eyes.

"Sorry, doesn't help" my mum said with a dark voice and stepped closer to me. I stepped back when they were walking closer to me. "We want you to suffer like you made us suffer." I started to run away when they said but everything seemed so slow. My bare feet ran through the dark forest and I could feel branches ripping my arms and legs. I kept running but I could hear my parents' voices all the time behind me. I was sweating and crying at the same time. Soon I saw a cliff and I jumped out of it to make my life to an end.


I woke up; breathing fast and panting. I looked at my phone and saw the time; 6.03 A.M. My class started at 8.30, so I walked into the shower and let the water calm me down and relax my muscles.

A/N: I hope you all liked this chapter and I'm sorry if it confused you. I personally like the boys argument at the beginning of the story, heheh... anyways, I'd really appreciate if you would vote and/or comment and if you can think of ways to make my writing better and the story more interesting, feel free to send me a message and I'll answer it as soon as possible. Feedback is never bad ya know! XoxoThanks for reading and spread this fanfic to other people :)

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