Sequel information

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After six months of no connection at all, Jessica and Niall meet again and try to build up the relationship they once had without anymore mistakes. They start over and as Niall has a break from touring or any kind of work; both of them hope to keep it all a secret because of the hate Jessica got before and reconnect in their own way. During their struggle; a lot of secrets will get uncovered and some darker than others. Jessica find out that not everything is what it seems, as one of her closest friends; Harry, have gotten a darker sight of life when she left. The boy she had once laughed with were gone and he was replaced with an empty shell. Will Jessica and Niall reconnect, and if so, will their love be strong enough to keep them together? What is happening with Harry and why does Alison act so defensive all the time?

So yeah, that's it. The sequel is already up, so please check it out? :))

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