Chapter 22

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A/N: Wattpad is weird…Last chapter I posted didn’t show the reads.. -.-, but hopefully that won’t happen again :) Vote, comment and fan me!


Jessica’s P.O.V

“WAKE UP HONEY! CONCERT TONIGHT!” someone shouted and I groaned. My eyes fluttered open and the light from the sun shone on my face.

“It’s too early,” I mumbled and looked up at the intruder’s face, which in this moment, was Alison.

“Are you serious? Its 2 P.M,” she replied with an annoyed look on her face.

“Really?” I ask her surprised, slowly stumbling off the bed, face palming me on the floor.

“Yeah…Having fun?” she asked and I looked up and saw her with a smug look on her face.

“Where are the boys?” I asked slowly, my eyes still tired, making everything blurry.

“Already there. They have some sound check and rehearsal to do before the concert. We need to prepare ourselves for the concert.”

“Why do we need to prepare ourselves?” I asked confused and she looked at me like if I was dumb.

“It’s a concert and you’re his girlfriend, so you need to help him through,” she replied matter-of-factly and I stared at her.

“I think that he’s capable to sing on a concert,” I replied and rose up on my feet, walking towards the bathroom.

“That’s what you think! But he needs the support from you or he’ll get sad!” she screamed as I closed the bathroom door. I stripped off my clothes and walked in to the shower. The cold water poured down over me and I welcomed it. To be honest, the weather here was terrible; it was just too warm for my taste. After a quick shower on 10 minutes, I walked out of the cabin and wrapped a towel around me.

Al was standing in front of my closet and going through my clothes, which meant that she just threw them down on the floor, trying to find the ‘perfect outfit’, as she would say it.

“Ali, do you need to make a mess?” I asked her with a frown, one of my hands holding up the towel and the other one on my hip.

“Yes, I’m looking for your perfect outfit of course!” I told you she would say that. I honestly had no interest in clothes and the only reason that I looked presentable was usually thanks to Al.

“You know that we’re travelling to a new city tomorrow morning so everything has to be packed… Where are we now by the way?” I asked her, suddenly remembering that I have no idea of where we exactly are.  

“Actually, the day after tomorrow. Right now, we’re in a city called Sunrise but the concert tomorrow is pretty close, in Miami, so we’re staying in this hotel. But the day after that, we’re travelling with the boys private jet to Louisville,” she replied casually and I looked at her dumbfounded.

“Uhm, how do you even know that?” I asked her surprised.

“Tumblr and Twitter honey.”

“Does it say how we’re travelling there?” I asked her even more confused and she started to laugh.

“No, maybe you should’ve listened to Paul when we were travelling to the hotel a couple of days ago,” she snickered and I blushed. “I found it!” she suddenly exclaimed and I looked at her. She holds up a pair of jeans shorts and a light, flowy top.

“Really? That’s it? Don’t’ you think that I could pick that out by myself?” I asked her with raised eyebrows.

“No, do you know why? Cause you’re not able to choose anything that fits, so I chose something casual but cute to you,” she answers with a cute smile. She walked out of the bedroom, leaving everything in a mess, but I couldn’t care less, so I just grabbed the clothes and put them on the bed. I dried my hair and then brushed it through. Yesterday, I had an amazing date with Niall, well, maybe not a date, but we went out and had a nice time together and both of us wore a disguise, so no paparazzi disturbed us. We just walked around in the sun and had a nice time, even though we both looked weird and a lot of people were giving us a lot of glares.

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