Chapter 19

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A/N: So sorry for not updating for a whole week! I feel so bad but this whole week have been rough, with a lot of tests, homework and exam :/ I’m sick right now, so that’s why I can update this…even though I should do my math homework *sigh* But whatever, you’re worth it, remember to vote, comment and follow :) Oh, and this chapter is really romantic, so if you don’t like those kind of stuff, don’t read (well, read, but don’t complain) Be patient, everything won’t be this cute after a couple of chapters, drama WILL come! :) <3<3

Jessica’s P.O.V

“Should we wake them up?”

“No, they’re so cute!”

“Take a picture of them before they wake up.”

“Do you think they had sex?”

“What the hell Haz?!”


“Both of them are wearing clothes, dumbass.”

“Oh…But Niall doesn’t wear a shirt!”

“You walk around naked all the time. And Niall walks around shirtless pretty often when we’re home.”

“Maybe they had dry sex.”

“Seriously Harry, would you keep it down?”

I heard noises gushing around me and by some reason, I could feel a couple of people’s presents around me. A clicking sound took off and I groaned, my eyes slowly fluttering open. The first thing I see, is a toned chest but then I notice that it’s Niall and I couldn’t resist tracing a finger over his chest, he’s so beautiful and I still can’t believe that he’s mine.

“OHH, JESSIE, SEXUAL FEELINGS!” someone squealed and I looked up, staring up at the faces of four boys and a girl. I blushed immediately and hid my face in Niall’s chest, his arms wrapping my waist and pulling me tighter, I guess he was awake.

“Do you like my chest?” he murmured in my ear, chuckling and making me blush even deeper.

“Awe, you two are so cute,” Al said with a cooing voice and I groaned.

“Why did you wake us up?” Niall asked with an annoyed voice, rubbing circles on my back.

“Mate, its 3 P.M, even Louis, Harry and Zayn woke up ages ago, and they had hangovers,” Liam replied with an amused voice.

“Whatever, go away,” Niall mumbled, closing his eyes again and pressing me against him. Our legs were tangled around each other under the blanket and I nuzzled in the crook of his neck.

“You too are cute, but I’m not watching you going all lovey-dovey while my girlfriend is back in the U.K,” Zayn said, yanking away the blanket and leaving us exposed. Harry was tapping something on his phone and when he was done, he looked at us with a smug grin and winked.

“What did you do?” I asked him and Niall grabbed his phone from the ground, that had fallen off last night, and opened the Twitter app. He groaned and made a two finger salute against Harry. The rest of the boys and Al did it too and they all chuckled.

“What?” I asked confusingly and Niall showed me Harry’s tweet.

@Harry_Styles: Aren’t they cute? I ship #Jiall! :)

(I just made that link up)

Under it, there was a picture of me and Niall, sleeping. I wrinkled my nose and stuck out my tongue towards Harry.

“So… Niall… Are you staying here all day?” Louis asked.

“Yeah, why?”

“Don’t you want breakfast?” he asked with a cheeky grin and then Niall’s stomach grumbled and I giggled. He sighed and we got up, following the rest of the group to the door.

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