Chapter 21

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A/N: remember to vote, comment and follow me (haven’t written fotment for a while, have I? so yeah…fotment!) This chapter’s dedication goes to @HoransGotStyle for making me a really cute imagine :3 Go and read it, I absolutely love it!

By the way, this chapter is not edited…Not that any are, but yeah..

Cute pic of Zayn because he’s awesome. I dunno, I just needed a pic and as I haven’t chosen Zayn yet…

Jessica’s P.O.V.

“Is there seriously nothing else to do?” I asked Louis, while he gathers us in a circle on the floor, taking this way too seriously.

“No! Now everyone, do you know the rules?” he asked us with a serious voice and I roll my eyes together with Al.

“Please, this is Truth or Dare, EVERYONE know the rules,” Al sigh and cocks an eyebrow toward him. The rest of the boys swear and looks at us with pleading eyes, trying to hint us something while shaking their heads.

“What?” I ask them confused.

“Never, ever insult Louis when he’s playing the leader. He’ll start talking about useless shit for ages,” Niall mumbles in my ear, making a shiver go through my spine.

“Did you just insult me? I’m the game leader, Louis “The Tommo” Tomlinson and NO ONE; I repeat NO ONE insults me! Do you hear me?” he asked with a harsh voice Al and look back at him surprisingly. I could feel my grin trying to break through my face, but I tried to hide it. These boys might be famous pop stars with pretty faces, but they’re really fun to hang out with and they could always cheer you up.

“So, now on with the game. I begin to ask something…” he trails off and look at us all in our eyes, trying to figure out who to choose first.

“Harry, truth or dare?” Harry thinks for a while, but we all know the answer.

“Dare.” Louis nods and I could see a mischievous glint in his eyes.

“I dare you to change clothes, wear a superman suit, flirt with a man that’s over 50 and then tweet about the fact that you’re gay.” We all look at Harry that’s staring at Louis with his mouth open.

“Are you fucking insane? That wasn’t one dare, that were like… loads!” he exclaims.

“No, that is one dare, but the thing is that they all connect!” Louis replies with a huge grin plastered on his face and we all chuckle. 

“Whatever, but uhm… I don’t really own a superman suit,” he adds then and Louis smiles even wider.

“And that’s why you have such an awesome mate as me. Lucky for you, I have one!”

“Which adult owns a superman suit?” I ask him surprised and he just flashed me a big smile.

“This one does,” he replies and points at himself. Harry and Louis walk up to their room, getting Harry to change. We all followed them to their room, waiting for Harry as he was changing. When he came out of his bedroom, we all started to laugh in hysterics and to be honest, he looked ridiculous. The suit was a little tight for him and he looked really stiff. He glared at us and looked at Louis.

“Now what?” he asked him with an annoyed voice and Louis replies, “Now, we’re gonna find a 50 + man and you’re gonna use your magic on him!”  We all then walked out of their room, down the elevator and in the lobby. There were barely any people there, except for the two women sitting in the reception, barely noticing us and a man in a suit, looking as one of those businessmen.

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