Chapter 13

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A/N: I have more than 600 reads, yeeey. It's not that much for some people because some have like 2 million reads, but yeah, I'm happy so whatever :D Here is chapter 13! Hope you like it and don't forget to fan, vote, comment and spread this story!

Jessica's P.O.V


I heard the alarm, but didn't do anything about it. I just had another nightmare that I just wanted to forget about, but it was kind of hard when it keeps coming back every night. The alarm started to buzz again, my eyes fluttered open and I groaned. I had work soon and I needed to go up even though I'd rather stay in the bed, tucked up in the sheets, thinking of last night. It was quite... interesting. I came closer to Niall and the boys were really fun to hang out with, it even seemed that Al enjoyed herself with a certain curly-haired boy even though she pretended to be angry at him from the beginning, but at the end of the night, they were cuddling. When you speak of the devil...

"Jessie! You need to get up, we have wooooork!" Al exclaimed, bursting through the door and jumping up on the bed.

"Wow, you seem extraordinarily happy today. Does it have to do with a special curly-haired boy to do?" I asked, winking at her.

"Pfft, no. He's too full of himself," she said, but blushing at the same time. I looked at her, wiggling with my eyebrows and she groaned, walking out of my room with heavy steps.

I walked into the shower and let the water relax my muscles, keeping away my distressed thoughts and rinse clean my body. After I was done, I walked out of the shower and put on a pair of jeans leggings and a loose blouse, with some white converse. I decided to braid my hair and I then walked into the kitchen, were Al was sitting, eating cereal with eyes glued on the TV. It was some kind of gossip show, so I just shrugged and took out a bowl, some milk and the cereal.

"Did you know that Kim Kardashian is pregnant?" (I know, everyone already knows about it, but let's pretend for the story) Al exclaimed and I sat down by her on the chair. I concentrated on the newspaper in front of me, while Al continued to watch the show.

Suddenly she started to cough and I saw that she was choking on the milk. I hit her back while she raised the volume on the TV. A woman with fake, blond hair, enormous boobs and layers with make-up was talking.

"It seems as the Irish member of the pop sensation One Direction, Niall Horan, have found a new female 'friend'. She has been seen with him under different occasions and many people are asking if they're together. They were seen kissing two days ago and yesterday evening by the funfair with the rest of the band and some sources says that they all seemed to get together very well. Last time they were seen, Niall had the girl on his back. The questions we all wonder are; who is this mysterious girl? And how are the fans going to react when they hear about this?"

After she stopped talking, pictures of me and Niall came up on the screen and I groaned. It was from every time we had been outside together; in the park, at the date and yesterday evening. Al patted my back while she closed the TV and we walked out of the kitchen, to the hallway.

"It's not that dangerous, at least they don't know their name," Al said when we were walking out of our apartment, trying to cheer me up.

"No, I guess so..." I answered her and we walked out of the building.

"Let's talk about you instead. What's going on with you and Harry?" I asked her and put my arm over her shoulder.

"Nothing, why do you ask?" she said awkwardly, trying to wiggle out of my arm, though I didn't let her.

"I don't know... Maybe because you were cuddling yesterday while he was eye-raping you and today, you blushed when I asked you." She started to blush and I grinned.

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