Chapter 15

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A/N: For those people that read chapter 14 when I just posted it, make sure to reread it cause I've added some parts from the Truth or Dare that'll effect some things in the story, so yeah... DON'T FORGET TO FAN, COMMENT AND VOTE, I APPRECIATE FEED BACK... though I don't know if people actually read this... *sigh* AND OMG I HAVE MORE THAN 1000 VIEWS AND 100 VOTES *FANGIRLING*

I'm sorry for the last chapter, it was really crappy! I worked quite a lot with this one AND READ THE AUTHOR NOTE AT THEN END. K, BYE xxx

Jessica's P.O.V

"AHH," I woke up with a scream and trembled. The duvet was thrown at the floor and sweat was running down my back. I looked at my alarm clock and saw the time; 4:29 A.M. I sighed; it was still a couple of hours left until I needed to go up and I couldn't go back to sleep now. I looked at my phone and saw that I had a text message from Niall from yesterday evening.

From: Nialler, the hot leprechaun

~ Me & the boys had a great time, we should do this more often. Xxx

I smiled at the text message and replied.

To: Nialler, the hot leprechaun

~ Yeah, we should. I know 4 sure that Al enjoyed herself ;) xx

I put back my phone and it buzzed a couple of seconds later. I didn't think that he was awake at this time. I picked up the phone and looked at the screen.

From: Nialler, the hot leprechaun

~ So did Haz ;) How come ur up at this time? xx

To: Nialler, the hot leprechaun

~ I couldn't sleep, nightmare ya know :/ xx

From: Nialler, the hot leprechaun

~ Oh, do u wanna talk about it? Xx

To: Nialler, the hot leprechaun

~Nah, it's nothing special. What r u up to? X

From: Nialler, the hot leprechaun

~ I'm bored, not even food can help me :( x

I laughed, shaking my head at his silliness, though that was the thing that made me to like him so much I guess.

To: Nialler, the hot leprechaun

~ Wow, that's gotta b serious! x

From: Nialler, the hot leprechaun

~Yeah, it is. Can I come down to your place? Plz? ;( xx

I thought about it for a while and shrugged. Alison was asleep and we wouldn't bother her. I had about two hours before I needed to go to UNI so it's not like I have anything to do.

To: Nialler, the hot leprechaun

~Yeah, sure. Come over now :) xx

I glanced towards the mirror and grimaced at myself. My hair was awful and I didn't have time to brush it, so I tied it in a bun and I put on PJ's and changed T-shirt before I heard a soft knock on the door. I tiptoed to the door and opened it. His hair was messy and it made him look cuter. He wore some sweaters and a white T-shirt and didn't look tired. In fact, he was looking excited and was nearly jumping on the spot he was standing on.

"Are you gonna let me in or stare at me?" he asked and put his head on the side. I blushed and let him in and followed him to the living room.

"So... what should we do?" I asked him and he shrugged, "Watching movies? Well, only if you want." He said and looked at me and I nodded. I walked up to the DVD's and looked at them.

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