Chapter 14

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A/N:  Oh, and I might not be able to update until Saturday cuz my mum have banned me from Internet between Monday-Friday, the only way I'm updating this is cuz she isn't home, so yeah :p

Jessica's P.O.V

Al and I were walking behind the boys into Niall's flat. We were kind of surprised when we met the boys, but I don't mind spending time with Niall and the other lads, and not Al either. We did not have anything else planned today anyway. We walked straight into the living room and the boys jumped on the sofa.

"So... what are we gonna do now?" I asked, jumping onto Niall's lap. He wrapped his arms around me and buried his nose in my hair and hugged me tightly.

"TRUTH OR DARE!" Harry and Louis exclaimed and I shrugged. "But the strip version though," Harry then said and me and Al looked confusingly at him.

"Have you never played that version before?" Zayn asked surprised and all of the boys were looking at us, with wide eyes. I looked at Al and we both shook our heads.

"So, it's pretty much the same thing as the original, but if you don't wanna do it, you need to take of a piece of clothing," Harry explained and we both nodded.

"But what if you don't have any clothes at the ending?" Al asked. "Then you've lost," he answered easily and we both looked at each other.

"Do you need to take your clothes off?" I asked awkwardly and looked at Niall. I've just met these boys and I'm not showing my body to them. Not that I was uncomfortable or so, but still.

"Yep, but only if you don't answer or do the thing that we've told you," Liam said.

"But what if one of us gets naked? Won't your girlfriends be like... you know?" Al said carefully but the boys just shrugged.

"Can we just start now?" Louis cried out and we all agreed. We sat down in a circle in the middle of the living room.

"Who wanna start?" Liam asked and Louis raised his arm immediately.

"Okay Louis, truth or dare?"

"Dare," he answered excitingly.

"Prank call Uncle Si and tell him that you're in the hospital, dying," Liam said coolly and we all burst out laughing except for Louis, who looked scared.

"You know what happens when we call Uncle Si for no reason! Last time I promised him not to do it. Can I have something else instead?" Liam shook his head and he crossed his arms over his chest, glaring at all of us. Then he took away one of his socks and we continued.

"HAZZAAAA, truth or dare?" Louis asked Harry. "Dare, truth are for pussies," he answered cockily and Al raised one of her eyebrows.

"I dare you to strip off all your clothes and go down to the woman in the reception ask for her number," Louis said cockily and wiggled with his eyebrows. I expected him to take off his shirt or something because he wouldn't do it, but before I could react he started to strip off all of his clothes and me and Al was sitting there, stunned. Soon, he was in his boxers and Niall put his hands in front of my eyes though Al was staring at Harry's chest. It didn't seem like she noticed it until Harry winked at her and she growled, turned away her eyes. We heard the door shut and Louis and Zayn followed him down, to make sure that he actually did it. A couple of minutes later, they were back and Niall took away his hands and I saw that he was dressed this time.

"So Al... did you like what you saw?" he asked cheekily and we all laughed, while she huffed and turned away, but I gave her a wink.

"So... Al, truth or dare?" Harry asked her and she thought for a while. 

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