Chapter 10

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A/N: Chapter 10 already, I put up the story last Friday, so I’m a damn good updater, lol. Anyway, don’t forget to fan, vote, comment blah blah blah, the usual routine, you already knows it. Well, just read the freaking story and SPREEAAAD IT LIKE UNICORNS FLYING OVER CLOUDS. Don’t ask me why I just wrote that, I’m quite weird. Looove yaaaa

Jessica’s P.O.V (Friday evening)

I just got out of the shower, dried my hair and was staring at my wardrobe with a towel draped around my body. “Al, come and help me!” She came running into my room, “SIR, YES SIR!”

“I don’t know what I should wear!” I groaned and stomped my foot on the floor. “I mean, I don’t even know if I should wear something fancy or casual!” I said and started panicking.

 “Geez guuurl, don’t worry. I’ll just call Lizzy and ask her, she’s going to help Niall with his clothes, so she probably knows,” she said, grabbing her phone and calling Lizzy. I sighed and was tapping my foot while I was waiting for Al to finish her phone call.


“Well, I spoke to Niall…”


“According to him, you shouldn’t worry, but Lizzy took back her phone and said something cute and comfortable,” she said and smiled at me.

I turned and looked into my wardrobe and found the perfect dress. I smiled and pushed away Al from my room. “Hurry, I’m gonna do your hair and make-up later,” she shouted when I locked the door.

 “Yeah, yeah…” I picked out the dress, the top part was white and from the waist down, it was dark blue, reaching mid-thigh, hugging my chest and falling loosely from the waist, cute as I said.(picture on the side) I had a pair of flat, cute shoes that matched perfectly. I changed fast and called on Al when I was done.

“I’m making you pretty now,” Al said cheekily and pushed me on the chair in front of the mirror. “But not too much make-up, I don’t want to look like a freaking clown,” I glared at her. “Don’t worry; I’m going to make you look natural if you want to.” I sighed and watched her working with my face, but before she started she took away the mirror to ‘surprise’ me.

“Here you go,” I looked up in the mirror and squealed. I already knew that Al was amazing with hair and make-up, but the thing she made with me was like magic. She had curled my hair perfectly and my make-up was as perfect as it could be. It was natural, but she had made my eyes bigger and my lips were hinted with pink lipstick.

 I gave Al a hug and she started to laugh, “Don’t ruin my masterpiece, and make the Irish lad fall for you.”

 “How come you never became a hair-and make-up artist?” I knew that it was her dream when she was a child but she just shrugged. “I don’t know, it never worked out I guess, but enough about me, he’ll be here in a couple of minutes and you need to blow his mind,” she said and winked at me.

 “But I still can’t believe you’re going out with the Niall Horan. Do you know how lucky are? A lot of girls would give up their life for a chance like this; do you think I can ask him if I can meet the Liam, Louis, Zayn…and Harry ?” she said hastily and blushed. I grinned at her; I knew that she had a soft spot for the flirty Cheshire-boy.

At that moment someone knocked at the door and Al squealed and ran to the hallway while I was staring at my reflection on the mirror.

What if he changes his mind about this and thinks that I’m not good enough for him? Or what if this is a one day thing he does, and that he’ll forget about me as soon as his friends are back and their tour is going to start again? I started panicking and started to count my flaws. I was too curvy, my nose was a little short, my lips were a little thick….

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