Chapter 8

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A/N: Chapter 8, wop woooop! And I wanna point out that I don't have an editor so sorry for any grammar and/or spelling errors. Don't forget to fotment... heheheh :) Love ya all

Jessica's P.O.V

I was staring at my closet, trying to decide what to wear. It was 5 P.M. and Niall was coming over in an hour. Al was in her room but she was really excited and she changed her clothes ages ago. After staring at some of my clothes, I decided to wear a shirt with the British flag printed on it and some shorts.(outfit on the side) I changed my clothes, put some make-up on and before I knew it, I heard the doorbell.

I walked out of my room but Al got there before me and opened the door while I walked towards her. When I came to the door, I saw Niall with light chinos, a Jack Willis shirt and white TOM's. I smiled at him and he smiled back. "Niall, this is Allison and Allison, this is Niall, but you already know that, don't you," I said and looked at her. She was trying to open her mouth and say something but she was in a shock and just stared at him, he raised one of his eyebrows and looked at me with a curious look.

"Well, I told you she's a directioner, didn't I? She's just in shock, so don't worry," and when I said that, Al seemed to be out of her trance, and I saw how hard she tried to not lose control of her fangirl reflexes.

"I'm sorry, I'm just shocked. It's a pleasure to meet you, I've heard a lot of things about you," she said with a shaky voice. I rolled my eyes; of course she'd heard a lot of things about him, she has been stalking One Direction for about three years now. He grinned and they shook their hands and he walked in our apartment, "What should we do?" he asked and followed us into the living room. "Well, I don't know about you, but we haven't eaten yet so we've decided to make dinner, if it's okay to you," I added quickly. His eyes lit up when I mentioned dinner and he nodded excitedly. We started to pick random ingredients from the fridge and the cupboards and put them on the kitchen desk.

"What are we gonna cook?" Al asked me and Niall looked at me. "I have no idea..." "Why don't we just improvise?" Niall exclaimed and looked at us with an adorable smile. Have I already said that I love his smile?

We started to mix the ingredients and had a good time making dinner. Al started to relax and started act natural around him after a while but after an hour, we looked at the result of our experiment and at the mess we had made in the kitchen.

"Well, I should've told you guys that I'm not such a great cook," Niall said worryingly and looked at us. "Nor are we," we said in unison and before we could do anything else, someone knocked on the door. "Are we expecting someone else?" Al asked me and I shook my head. Surprisingly, Niall looked excited, "Well, why don't you open the door then and see who it is?" I shrugged and walked towards the door.

When I opened the door, I saw Lizzy standing outside the door with a huge grin.

"Where's my Nialler?" she asked me and I looked at her confusingly. She raised her neck and ran to Niall, who had walked out of the kitchen and was looking at us with a mischievous grin. "Lizzy!" he exclaimed and they hugged each other. "Wait, are you together?" Al asked, stepping into the hall. I felt a hint of jealousy and couldn't believe that I told her that I liked her boyfriend.

They cracked up and me and Al looked at each other confused, "God, no! He's my cousin," she blurred out and started to laugh again. I blushed while Al was in shock. "So you never told us that you were related to Niall Horan even though you knew how much I love One Direction?!" Al cried out. They started to laugh even more and I couldn't help to crack up too, it was quite funny though.

When we all stopped laughing, we went into the kitchen and looked around in the mess, "Wow... I guess we won't eat homemade food then. Is anyone up for pizza?" she asked and took out her phone from her pocket. While she ordered, me, Al and Niall started to clean up in the kitchen and for a very long time, I felt safe and happy, surrounded by friends I love.

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