Chapter 5

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A/N: Chapter 5, just for you my lovely readers! Don’t forget to Fotment, hahaha… (Remember? Fan/Vote/comment) I know, I’m funny, but I’ll just let you read and remember the Author Note at the end! Enjoy this chapter! :) xoxoxoxo (this is a weird chapter though) 

Jessica’s P.O.V

“Please dad, I never meant it to happen,” I shrieked and backed away. He looked at me with sad eyes and shakes his head. “ I know sweetie, but you caused us so much pain and I have to do this,” he said and stepped closer to me. I looked around and saw that I was in my old house. “Dad, please… I promise I’ll listen to you and mum all the time and I’ll be nice and not disobey you anymore,” I whimpered with a shaky voice. He just shook his head again and sighs. “You truly don’t understand, honey. It’s a lot more complicated than that.” He stepped closer and I suddenly saw the kitchen knife in his hand. I froze, but then I raced up the stairs and into my room. I could hear his breathing behind me and his heavy steps. As soon as I was in the room, I closed the door, but his foot blocked the door and he slowly, but forcefully, pushed the door open. I stepped back at the corner of my room and I could feel heavy drops of tears running down my cheeks. I watched my dad walking closer and he hushed at me while I pressed myself against the wall and he slowly raised his knife. I eyed it closely and started to shake. I was too young to die, I knew that at least. He stabbed my heart and I looked down at my chest and saw blood pouring out.

I woke up with sweat running down my back and I was shivering.  I was tired of all these dreams and I needed to take my mind off these memories. I’m not quite sure how, but I was determined to do it and I will let go of my past. I got up from the sofa and I walked through my room, into the shower to let the water clean my thoughts.

Tuesday… They weren’t that bad, I had my favorite class today but the days were so long and I had work in the evening so I usually came home exhausted.

A couple of hours later, I was in the coffee shop under rush hour. It was 6 P.M and I was tired, but there were still a lot of customers and my shift didn’t end until an hour, I was the one that was responsible of closing the shop. I sighed and continued taking orders. When I was younger, I never thought that my life would be like this. I dreamed of cool parties, fame and success, now I knew it wasn’t that easy.

I continued to work and there were no customers left later, so I looked at the clock and saw that it was closing time and started to pack up everything with George and Dave, two other employments. They went to change and I was looking for my bag that magically disappeared. I got frustrated and started to search for it everywhere and when I couldn’t find it I ran my fingers through my hair and stamped my foot on the floor. At that moment, I saw something black at the corner of my eye on the floor. I turned my eye toward the floor and rolled my eyes, my bag was laying there. I then bent down to grab it but I heard a bell at the same time.

I sighed and heard footsteps coming towards the desk. “I’m sorry, but we’re-,” I started but trailed off. I was staring at a pair of blue, beautiful eyes and felt my heart throb faster. The man in front of me had a curious glint in his eyes and I recognized his smile immediately. Niall freaking Horan. 

Niall’s P.O.V

The other lads where gone now, so I was sitting down and spinning the chair. I had followed them to the airport and we promised each other to text each other, but they were excited to meet their family’s so I haven’t texted anyone yet. The back down of fame was that you lost contact with your old friends and didn’t know who would actually like you for who you are, so it wasn’t that easy to make new friends because everyone were trying to get your attention.

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