Chapter 18

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A/N: Vote, comment and read, that’s all I’ve got to say. Xoxoxox Ooh, and this chapter’s dedication goes to @summerintheclouds for making the amaZAYN new cover! And I love her series, if you haven’t read it, read it now! Does anyone know what celebrities Al and Jessie should look like? Please PM me or comment, I'd really appreciate it! xx Hot picture on Hazza by  the side :*

Jessica’s P.O.V

“Do we really need to do this?” I asked Al with a pleading voice.

“Yes, of course! And you need to show off that ass of yours to Niall. I bet he would love it,” she exclaimed and I heard a hit of humor in her voice.

“What do you mean with that? Women are not meant to be objectified!” I called out jokingly and Al giggled. I took a look in the mirror and observed myself closely.

I wore a strapless dress that was really, really tight. It was black and ended by mid-thigh and I did NOT pick this out, I would never do that, it was Al’s brilliant idea. I mean, sure, I bought it, but that was ages ago.

My hair fell in small curls and it framed my face. I have make-up on, mascara, a thin layer of foundation and just a little of pink lipstick that barely was visible. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Al patiently waiting for me.

She wore a red, skin-tight dress that ended by her knees, light make-up but with bright red lips and she had curled her hair too. I bet Harry would like it. As soon as she saw me, she squealed and started to jump.

“Oh my gosh! Niall is sooo lucky that he have you,” she exclaimed and I rolled my eyes.

“He doesn’t HAVE me, he can’t own me ya know,” I replied and she sighed.

“You know what I mean.”

“Yeah, yeah. I bet Harry is going like what he sees,” I told her and she blushed.

“I don’t dress up for him,” she huffed and I wiggled my eyebrows against her.

“Sure you don’t, sure you don’t….”

She glared at me and then we walked out of my bedroom. Someone then knocked on the door and screamed.

“ARE YOU DONE YET?” Louis screamed from the outside.

“WE’RE COMING!”  I grabbed my purse and stumbled out with my high-heels, nearly tripping over as Al pushed me. The door burst open and I fell down to the floor, groaning. Al tripped too, now lying over my back and then we heard fits of laughter.

I looked up and saw Niall clenching his knees and the rest of the boys were laughing too, their faces all red and their tears falling down their cheeks. Al rolled off me and I stood up, straightening the dress while the boys were gasping for breath. Both I and Al placed our hands on our hips, glaring at them and waiting for them to calm down.

“YOU SHOULD’VE SEEN YOUR FACES,” Harry gasped and we didn’t answer. As soon as they calmed down and took a look on us, their eyes widened and it looked as their eyes were bulging out from their skull.

“What?” I asked, suddenly nervous and I looked down at my dress, expecting to see something odd.

“No- nothing,” Niall stuttered, still keeping his eyes on me. I shrugged and dragged Al with me and heard the steps of the boys running after us. We stepped into the elevator and Niall instantly wrapped his arm around my waist.

“You look hot,” he murmured in my ear with a seducing voice, making me shiver and I bit my lower lip. As Zayn stood closest to us, he heard and winked at me, making me blush.

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