Chapter 12

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A/N:Please vote and spread the story and fan me too. I’m going to dedicate this chapter to @NivedithaPradeep because of her cute comments, so go and check out her book, it’s really good! The OWOA music video by the side, it’s so asdfghjsjdjdmdmfcjdsd *-* though Niall looked awkward when they were hip thrusting hahah xxx And omg, when he was in the shower xd

 Sorry for any errors, I was too tired to edit :3

Jessica’s P.O.V

I was walking to the funfair, meeting up with, Al, Lizzy, Emma and Julia. They were already there and were waiting for me, I was a little late because I had work on the afternoon. I hurried and I heard the exciting shouts from children and the music from the funfair. I smiled and then I heard someone shout my name.

“Jessie!” Al was shouting excitedly and waved towards me. I looked up and I walked up to them. “What should we do first?” I asked them and Julia was jumping excitedly, have I told you that she’s obsessed with funfairs?

“The rollercoaster!” she said and clapped her hands. I looked at the others and they nodded in unison… Great, I still haven’t told anyone that I get sick when I rides fast attractions. I followed them and was trying to come up with an excuse to not ride it, we then stepped into the queue and I looked up, I did not like the sight of this… I swallowed loudly and we stepped into the wagon.

After the ride, I excused myself and ran to the toilets. My head was dizzy and I could feel my vomit coming up my throat, why the hell did ride that thing? I yanked the door open and didn’t bother to close it. I threw up and my eyes watered of the smell. I washed my mouth and went out, trying to find the other ones. I was texting Al when I suddenly bumped into a group of men with dark hoodies, sunglasses and beanies.

“Sorry,” I mumbled and tried to get away from there as soon as possible, but before I managed to get away from there, one of them grabbed my arm and yanked me into their body. I started to feel panicked but I tried to calm down and put my hand on his shoulder, as I sharply jutted my knee up to his crotch.

He groaned and put his hands over his area and the other men looked at me, I couldn’t see their expressions because of their sunglasses, but by some reason, I felt like I recognized them.

“What did you do that for?” the man said and I looked surprised at him, I recognized that voice. “Niall?” He nodded and I suddenly felt guilty. The other men started to laugh and he glared at them, shutting them up. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know it was you, but you can’t just do that, I thought you was going to rape me or something,” I said fast and blushed. He just shook his head and opened his mouth to say something but then someone screamed and the other men, or should I say boys, looked at the direction and swore.

“Great, just great,” Niall said and took my arm and he took a grip of my arm and pulled me away. “What are you doing? Let me go,” I said stubbornly and tried to yank away my arm.

“We don’t have time for this Niall, you need to carry her,” one of them said, and I think it was Liam. Before I could react, Niall had thrown me over his shoulder and ran away with me. I was too confused to do anything and saw the flashes and girls running after me.

“Let me go,” I said and hit my fists on Niall’s back. “Soon, soon, just don’t hit me, “ he said and I stopped. I realized that we were by our complex and waited. But he didn’t let me go and he walked in the elevator with the other boys and they took of their beanies and sunglasses, and suddenly I was staring at the rest of One Direction. If Al was here, she would’ve freaked out. Geez, I’ve totally forgotten about Al and I took up my phone, t the same time as it started to ring, when you speak of the devil…. I accidently put the call on speaker.

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