Chapter 25

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A/N: Sry for being late, pic of this chapter, the one and only Louis ‘The Tommo’ Tomlinson! Sorry for the last kinky chapter btw, I don't think I'll ever write something as intense as that..not in this story, so don't worry....or maybe a little...We'll see, we'll see....

Jessica’s P.O.V

“I can’t believe my little Nialler has grown up!”

“Wow…this is just wow…”

“I thought that they were fighting or something.”

“They were, I think that they had make-up sex…”

“Isn’t that the kinky way of sex?”

“No… Or is it, Haz?”

“Oh…it definitely is, the hard core way…”

“Euw, why would you say that?”

“I know that you want it…”

“Shouldn’t we wake them up? We’re leaving in an hour.”

“Probably, but this is just cute!”

“Cute? How is this cute? They’re naked under the duvet, it’s kinky.”

“Hahah, how long do you think they did it?”

“At least for a couple of hours, they were pretty loud…”

“Why didn’t you wake me up and told me? It would’ve been so awesome to walk in and catch them doing it!”

“What? So you actually wanna see them having sex? Do you know how weird that sounds...?”

“My Hazza wanted to masturbate.”

“BooBear… Don’t say it aloud!”

“Enough, I’m waking them up now.”

Someone slowly shook my shoulder and whispered in my ear, “Time to wake up…” I groaned and turned my head, breathing in deeply and a familiar scent filled my nostrils.

“WAKE UP, WAKE UP, WAKE UP!” someone suddenly shouted, jumping on the bed. My eyes fluttered open and the bed was vibrating. I looked up at the person and surprisingly not- it was Louis. I ignored him and tilted my head upwards, seeing Al, Harry and Liam looking down at me with a knowing smirk on their faces.

I suddenly became aware of the other body that was tangled around mine and as soon as I was aware, my eyes widened and I started to shout, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE? THIS IS MY ROOM!” My voice cracked by then end of the sentence and the loud sound travelled through the room, making Louis stop from his jumping.

“Well, Niall is here too, so that means that we can be here too. And technically, it isn’t your room, it’s the hotel’s room, we’re leaving in an hour, so get ready best friend! Louis squealed and skipped away, out of the room. Yes, he actually skipped. I looked up at Liam, Harry and Al, waiting for them to go out of the room.

“What?” Liam asks after a while of staring and I roll my eyes.

“How am I gonna get ready if you’re standing here?” I ask him and the all stumble out of the room rather quickly. I sigh, Niall’s arm around my waist tightens and I get pressed against his chest.

“Niall….” I say and drag out the ‘a’. He smiles, eyes still closed, as I trail my finger over his soft and beautiful lips and I chuckle. “We need to get up.”

“I don’t want to,” he reply and nuzzles his nose in the crook of my neck and I sigh again, trying to wriggle out of his grasp. As our entire bodies are tangled together, that doesn’t succeed so I just give up.

Changes in life (Niall Horan)Where stories live. Discover now